Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

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obstructive sleep apnea. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2006; 151: 44-60.Henderson LA, Macey KE, Macey PM, Woo MA, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Regionalbrain response patterns to Cheyne-Stokes breathing. Resp Physiol Neurobiol 2006: 150:87-93.Kumar R, Macey PM, Woo MA, Alger JR, Harper RM. Elevated mean diffusivity inwidespread brain regions in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome. J MagneticResonance Imaging 2006; 24: 1252-1258.Lipsett MJ, Tsai FC, Roger L, Woo M, Ostro BD. Coarse particles and heart ratevariability among older adults with coronary artery disease in the Coachella Valley,California. Environ Health Perspect 2006; 114: 1215-1220.Woo MA, Macey PM, Keens PT, Kumar R, Fonarow GC, Hamilton MA, Harper RM.Aberrant central nervous system responses to the Valsalva maneuver in heart failure.Congestive Heart Failure 2007;13:29-35.Macey PM, Woo MA, Harper RM. Hyperoxic brain effects are normalized by additionof CO2. PLOS Medicine 2007; 4: 1-8.Serber SL, Kumar R, Woo MA, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Harper RM. Cognitive testperformance and brain pathology. Nursing Research 2008; 57: 75-83.Kumar R, Birrer BV, Macey PM, Woo MA, Gupta RK, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM.Reduced mammillary body volume in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. NeurosciLett 2008; 438: 330-334.Kumar R, Macey PM, Woo MA, Alger JR, Harper RM. Diffusion tensor imagingdemonstrates brainstem and cerebellar abnormalities in congenital centralhypoventilation syndrome. Pediatr Res 2008; 64: 275-280.Kumar R, Macey PM, Cross RL, Woo MA, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Neural alterationsassociated with anxiety symptoms in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Depression andAnxiety 2008 (in press)Woo MA, Kumar R, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Harper RM. Brain injury in autonomic,emotional, and cognitive regulatory areas in patients with heart failure. J Cardiac Failure2008 (in press)Wright, KynnaWright, K. (2007). Examining racial and ethnic disparities and predictors of medicationuse among california’s african-american, Latino, and white children with asthma. TheJournal of The National Black Nurse’s Association, 18, 2:1-15.137

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