Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

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Sun, V, Sarna L, Wagman, L D (2008). Symptom management in hepatocellularcarcinoma. Clinical Journal of Oncology NursingSarna L, Bialous SA, Cooley ME, Jun HJ, Feskanich D (in press). Impact of smokingcessation on health-related quality of life life: data from the Nurses’ Health Study. Qualityof life Research.Sarna L, Bialous SA, Jun HJ, Wewers ME, Cooley ME, Feskanich D (in press, 2008).Trends in smoking status in the Nurse’s Health Study (1976-2003). Nursing Research.Sarna L, Bialous S, Wells, M, Kotlerman J, Wewers ME, Froelicher E (in press) Nurses’smoking cessation interventions: reports from a national survey. Journal of ClinicalNursing.Sarna L, Bialous S, Rice V, Wewers ME. (in press, 2009). Promoting tobacco dependencetreatment in nursing education. Drug and Alcohol <strong>Review</strong>.Bialous SA, Sarna L, Wells MJ, Elashoff D, Wewers ME, Froelicher ES, Kotlerman. (inpress) Nurses QuitNet: Background, methods, and characteristics. Public Health Nursing.Wiley, Dorothy Wiley DJ, Harper DM, Elashoff D, Silverberg MJ, Kaestle C, Cook RL, Heileman M,Johnson L. (2005). How Condom Use, Number of Receptive Anal Intercourse partners andHistory of External Genital Warts Predict Risk for External Anal Warts. InternationalJournal of STD & AIDS. 16:203-211.Wiley DJ, Huh J, Rao JY, Chang CH, Goetz M, Poulter M, Masongsong E, Chang CI,Bernard HU. (2005) Methylation of Human Papillomavirus Genomes in Cells of AnalEpithelia of HIV- Infected Men. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome – BasicScience. 39(2):143-151.Nyamathi A, Dixon E, Wiley D, Christiani A, Lowe A. (2006). Hepatitis C virus infectionamong homeless men referred from a community clinic. Western Journal of NursingResearch. 28(4):475-488.Mao C, Koutsky LA, Ault KA, Wheeler CM, Brown DR, Wiley DJ, Alvarez FB, BautistaOM, Jansen KU, Barr E.(2006) Efficacy of human papillomavirus-16 vaccine to preventcervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol. 107(1):18-27.Wiley DJ, Wiesmeier E, Masongsong E, Gylys K, Koutsky LA, Ferris DG, Barr E, RaoJY. (2006). Smokers at higher risk for undetected antibody for oncogenic HumanPapillomavirus Type 16 infection. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.15(5):915-920.Valore EV, Wiley DJ, Ganz T. (2006). Reversible deficiency of antimicrobialpolypeptides in bacterial vaginosis. Infection and Immunity 74(10):5693-5702.135

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