Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

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9. Both the supporting theory and related clinical practice courses must be passed in eachclinical rotation in order to progress to the next rotation, course and/or level.10. There may be occasions when dismissal of a student by the Student Affairs Committeebecomes necessary prior to the end of a rotation or course. Examples include excessivemedication errors (whether PO, IM or IV), gross negligence/misconduct involvingclients, and/or professional misconduct. Reason for prompt dismissal is not limited tothese examples (see the Attendance Policy for specific details regarding attendancerequirements and their impact on dismissal).Documentation of Inappropriate Behavior or Unsafe Clinical PracticeStudents engaged in inappropriate or unsafe behavior in class, at office hours, in the clinicalsetting, or in any other interaction in their role as a student of the School of Nursing will havetheir actions documented in an Anecdotal Note.Issuing an Anecdotal Note1. Should a specific situation occur in lecture or clinical warranting documentation, theexact event of the incident should be described on an Anecdotal Note. The AnecdotalNote is to be given to the student to read within twenty-four (24) hours of the specificincident when possible. All documentation is to be filed, in the student’s record in theOffice of Student Affairs. The student is encouraged to sign indicating that the note hasbeen read and understood. The student may submit a written statement to be added tohis/her file responding to the Anecdotal Note.2. If a student's clinical performance is unsafe, the student will be sent home from theclinical area. This will be considered an unexcused absence and a “U” will be given forthe day on the clinical evaluation tool with documentation of the unsafe conduct.3. Faculty will clearly detail on an Anecdotal Note what is deemed "unsafe clinical practice"and discuss the behavior with the course coordinator. Concise written guidelines forimprovement will be given to the student.4. In the event the student's behavior or clinical performance is determined to beinappropriate or clinically unsafe, an Anecdotal Note will be issued. If three reports ofinappropriate behavior or unsafe clinical practice are filed for a single course, thestudent will fail that course.175

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