Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

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3. The purpose of clinical evaluation is to provide an assessment of each student’s abilitiesand to identify his/her strengths and/or weaknesses. The evaluation tool provides specificguidelines for satisfactory achievement of the clinical objectives.4. The student must submit a weekly log on their daily clinical activities. Failure to submitsuch a log to the appropriate clinical faculty on time will result in the issuance of anAnecdotal Note (see section on Anecdotal Notes). The student is required to retain acopy of his or her entire clinical log.5. The clinical evaluation process is ongoing. Faculty will provide documentation on eachstudent’s clinical evaluation tool at the mid-term and the final clinical conferences.6. Clinical performance is evaluated on a letter grade basis for the class that entered9/1/2006. For classes entering after 9/1/2007 the class will be graded on a Pass/Fail forgrading basis for the BS-G students and Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory for MECN. Thefollowing should only be used as a template to understand the scoring of clinical gradesfrom 4 (A) through a 0 (F). It is important to remember that MECN students cannotscore below a 3 (B) and BS-G students cannot score below a 2 (C).4 (A): Consistently does superior work. By the end of the experience has received 4sin most behaviors related to critical thinking, therapeutic interventions,communication and professional issues as well as weekly presentations.3 (B): Shows continuous improvement throughout the quarter and receives mostly 3sin the behaviors related to critical thinking, therapeutic interventions, communicationand professional issues as well as weekly presentations2 (C): Shows some improvement throughout the quarter and receives mostly 2’s inthe behaviors related to critical thinking, therapeutic interventions, communicationand professional issues as well as weekly presentations.1 (D): Has not met objectives throughout the quarter and receives mostly 1’s in thebehaviors related to critical thinking, therapeutic interventions, communication andprofessional issues as well as weekly presentations. This is a failing grade.0 (F): The student presents themselves as basically unsafe, has not met any clinicalobjective as prescribed and has received three Anecdotal Notes in the course of thequarter.7. Both the student and clinical instructor will sign the final summary page indicating thatthe mid-term and final evaluations were read and discussed.8. Students must pass each clinical rotation and must do so by satisfying each clinicalobjective. Any student who does not achieve the above requirements in the clinicalrotation will receive a grade that is not passing (“C-” or below or “Fail” for BS-G; “B-”or below or “Unsatisfactory” for MECN) for the course.174

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