Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

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skills. Currently Palliative Care, including End of Life content is dispersed; thus dedicatedcontent and dedicated course needs to be added to the curriculum. Further, there needs to be anincrease perspective on global health as many faculty are currently conducting research on aglobal level. Students are increasingly interested in experiencing global perspectives as well.While not emphasized, cultural competence remains a foundational foci well integrated withinour curricula. Current courses taught on cultural competence are available as electives for theMSN and PhD students. A mandatory cultural course is provided for the BS students. Newinitiatives have been approved by Office of the President for the Mexico immersion programs. Aqualitative research course has been taught in 2004 and discussion of an advanced qualitativecourse will be under consideration in Fall 2005. Currently, N212 us under revision to betterintegrate cultural competence in student assignments.Strategies To Accomplish the Goal:1) Revitalize the bioscience core for our doctoral students2) Promote interdisciplinary collaboration in education, research, and practice with otherschools and colleges at <strong>UCLA</strong>, UC, and within the community3) Enhance joint courses with congruent disciplines on campus4) Promote ongoing curricula development and evaluation for infusion of palliative care, fiscaland management content, and societal and global relevance5) Explore Acute Pediatric and Women’s Health programs pending resource identification6) Continue to integrate cultural competence across all academic programs7) Continue to ensure cultural competence among faculty and staffa) Tasks:1) Engage in discussions with Bioscience administrators on campus for the integration of thesecourses for our doctoral students, including nanotechnology and gene and environmentinteraction2) Investigate and develop a feasible joint course offerings with faculty from other <strong>UCLA</strong>departments3) Investigate the addition of subspecialties in Acute Pediatrics and Women’s Health4) Enhance Palliative Care content across the curriculum and consider the addition of a newsubspecialty in Palliative Care5) Enhance relevant content such as fiscal and management theory and competencies in ourMSN specialty programs6) Enhance the global perspective of our curriculum by the infusion of relevant content inexisting MSN courses and by creating new electives and/or strands in our doctoral program7) Promulgate faculty’s cultural awareness and competency to the issues and needs of ethnicallydiverse students and patient populations8) Translate cultural competence and community-focused methods into programs of research.229

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