SEPP 65 - Apartment Design Guide

SEPP 65 - Apartment Design Guide

SEPP 65 - Apartment Design Guide

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05 I Review PanelsCore selection criteria for panel membersExpressions of Interest for design review panel membersshould include a brief professional profile addressing theselection criteria below:Selection criteria1. Appropriate qualification and demonstratedexperience in the design of apartmentdevelopments in relation to architecture,landscape architecture or urban design2. Demonstrated highly developed skills andexperience in urban analysis of local planningstrategies and policies (e.g. local environmentalplans, development control plans, precinct plansand town centre revitalisation) that containprovisions for apartment development3. Knowledge or understanding of local councilpolicies and development controls4. Knowledge of the design issues of the local area5. Ability to analyse, evaluate and report oncomplex design quality issues for developmentapplications and strategic planning6. Ability to develop design options and/orrecommendations to ensure appropriateapplication of <strong>SEPP</strong> <strong>65</strong> design quality principlesand the <strong>Apartment</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>7. Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team8. Ability to liaise/negotiate with local government aswell as the private sectorFunding and remuneration<strong>Design</strong> review panel members are entitled toremuneration and the payment of expenses. TheEnvironmental Planning and Assessment Regulation2000 allows councils with a <strong>SEPP</strong> <strong>65</strong> panel to chargea maximum fee for panels. Councils are thereforeresponsible for the funding and remuneration of designreview panels.The following should be considered when determiningfunding and remuneration arrangements with panelmembers:• where more than one council is involved in theoperation of a design review panel, councils shouldfund the panel’s operation on an equitable basis,for example, based on the number of developmentapplications referred to the panel• the Environmental Planning and AssessmentRegulation 2000 allows a maximum additionaldevelopment application fee to be charged forapartment building applications that will be referredto a design review panel. This allows councils todetermine within their own fee policy how muchthey will charge up to the maximum. This may beinfluenced by the average panel costs per applicationand the estimated number of times an application willbe referred to a panel• councils are to remunerate each panel membercommensurate with their professional role andmeeting input. Remuneration should be fair andequitable taking into consideration the time taken toparticipate in panel processes9. Good written and verbal communication skillsincluding the ability to translate technicalinformation into plain English10. Knowledge, commitment and ability to implementcouncil policies and standards, including thosethat relate to integrity, ethics, safety, antidiscriminationand equityDRAFT | <strong>Apartment</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> I September 2014135

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