SEPP 65 - Apartment Design Guide

SEPP 65 - Apartment Design Guide

SEPP 65 - Apartment Design Guide

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02 I Controls2A Primary controlsPrimary development controls are the keyplanning tool used to manage the scale ofdevelopment so that it relates to the futuredesired character of an area and managesimpacts on surrounding development.Primary development controls include buildingheight, floor space ratio, building depth,building separation and setbacks (refer tosections 2C - 2H). When applied together, theprimary development controls create a buildingenvelope, which forms the three dimensionalvolume where development should occur.1. Retention of trees2. Minimum setbacksSetting and testing the controlsPrimary controls should be developed takinginto account solar and daylight access,orientation and overshadowing, naturalventilation, visual and acoustic privacy,communal open space and deep soil zones.The controls must be carefully tested toensure that the desired built form outcome isachievable and be coordinated with each otherto ensure the desired density and massing canbe accommodated within the building heightand setback controls.3. Deep soil zones and basement levels4. Building separation and depth5. Building performance and orientation6. Three-dimensional building envelopeFigure 2A.1 Key considerations when testing development controls and establishing athree-dimensional building envelope30 DRAFT | <strong>Apartment</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> I September 2014

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