SEPP 65 - Apartment Design Guide

SEPP 65 - Apartment Design Guide

SEPP 65 - Apartment Design Guide

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04 I Building4J Mixed useMixed use development includes multiple uses in onebuilding. In apartment buildings this is commonly achievedvertically with different uses stacked above one another.A vertical mix of uses is more likely to increase activitythrough the day and night which in turn improves passivesurveillance of the public domain.Building design should allow for a range of non-retail usessuch as commercial offices in areas where the locationor site constraints make retail tenancies undesirable.Non-residential uses should be located on lower levelsof buildings in areas where residential use may not beappropriate or desirable, such as along main roads orrailway lines.ResidentialCommercialRetail / cafes & restaurantsFigure 4J.2Commercial floors are an appropriate buffer to residentialapartments from busy active ground floor uses such as cafesFigure 4J.1Integrating residential apartments into centres creates apermanent population and increases activity levels during theday and after hoursResidential entryFigure 4J.3Shop and office entries, service areas and loading zones in amixed use development should be separate from lobby entriesto residential apartments92 DRAFT | <strong>Apartment</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> I September 2014

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