SEPP 65 - Apartment Design Guide

SEPP 65 - Apartment Design Guide

SEPP 65 - Apartment Design Guide

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05 I Review PanelsPanel chairpersonThe panel chair is responsible for:• running design review meetings• ensuring that the meeting agenda is followed andthat allocated timeframes are adhered to• ensuring that discussion remains focused on theapplication being considered and that advice relatesto matters covered by <strong>SEPP</strong> <strong>65</strong> and the <strong>Apartment</strong><strong>Design</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>• ensuring the advice and recommendationsdeveloped for each application is voted on by thepanel. In the case of a tied vote, the chairperson hasthe casting vote• ensuring the panel endorses the minutes• liaising with council staff about the operation of thepanel, where required• attending meetings to brief councillors on paneladvice provided, where required, and• ensuring new members have been inducted and arebriefed about panel operationPanel membersPanel members are required to:• treat all discussions and information aboutapplications with sensitivity and confidentiality• provide independent, fair and reasonableprofessional advice relative to the design qualityprinciples of <strong>SEPP</strong> <strong>65</strong> and this <strong>Apartment</strong> <strong>Design</strong><strong>Guide</strong>, and• respond to and comment on material presented,providing constructive feedback to makeamendments as requiredPecuniary interestsUnder <strong>SEPP</strong> <strong>65</strong> design review panel members mustdisclose any pecuniary interests. Where a pecuniaryinterest exists, the member must:• disclose the interest to the chair as soon aspracticable, and preferably before the meeting toensure there is a quorum for all items• not take part in the consideration or discussion of thematter, and• not vote on any question relating to the matterPecuniary interests should be recorded in panel meetingminutes.AgendaThe agenda is to be prepared and distributed, takingaccount of the following:• applications should be referred to the design reviewpanel as soon as possible after lodgement. This willensure that design modifications can be identifiedearly, together with any additional information beingrequested by council• the agenda for each meeting should be circulated toall panel members and meeting attendees at leastone week prior to the meeting. A meeting agendatemplate is included in section 5E Templates• the priority of agenda items for each meeting shouldbe determined by each council ensuring the timinghas regard for their statutory timeframes• each item should be allocated an equitabletime slot on the agenda adjusted for complexitywhere appropriate, to allow fair and reasonableconsideration of the application and time for a briefpresentation by the applicant or their representative,as well as questions of them by the panel, and• each agenda item should be accompanied by a briefdevelopment assessment overview prepared bycouncil’s assessment staff, giving a summary of thedevelopment's compliance with the key <strong>SEPP</strong> <strong>65</strong>requirements and council development standardsDRAFT | <strong>Apartment</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> I September 2014137

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