Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 1983 - Bureau of Justice ...

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 1983 - Bureau of Justice ...

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 1983 - Bureau of Justice ...


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<strong>Sourcebook</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Criminal</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> <strong>Statistics</strong> 19113Public Attitudes Toward Crime and <strong>Criminal</strong> <strong>Justice</strong>-Related Topics.Table 2.99 Attitudes toward a law making it illegal toimport gun parts from other nations, by demographiccharacteristics, United States, 1981f\OTE: For a discussion <strong>of</strong> public opinion survey samplingprocedures, see Appendix 7.Question: "Would you favor or oppose a law which wouldmake it illegal to Import gun parts from other nations?"(Percent)Favor Oppose f\ba law a law oQinlonf\btlonal 49 37 14Sex:Male 47 41 12Female 50 33 17Race:White 48 37 15f\bnwhite 50 34 16Education:College 51 36 13High school 48 38 14Grade school 49 33 18Occupation:Pr<strong>of</strong>essional and business 52 34 14Clerical and sales 50 36 14Manual workers 47 41 12f\bnlabor force 47 34 191"'000 ood o~, 46 42 1220,000 to r4,9'9 51 36 1315,000 to 19,999 4!.l 36 1610,000 to 14,99' 54 32 145,000 to $9,999 50 32 111lklder $5,000 44 37 19Income:Age:Total under 30 years 49 36 15111 to 24 years 48 36 1625 to 29 years 49 37 1430 to 49 years 47 40 1350 years and older 50 35 15City size:i,OOO,OOO and over 61 23 165LO,OOO to 999,999 53 36 II50,000 to 499,9" 48 41 II2,500 to 49,999 42 39 19lklder 2,500, rural 43 41 16Region:East 61 27 12Midwest 48 40 12South 39 43 18West 46 38 16Religion:Protestant 46 311 16Catholic 54 35 IIPolitics:Republican 45 38 17Democrat 51 35 14Independent 49 39 12Source: George H. Gall\!p, The Gallup Report, Report No.190 (Princeton, N.J.: The Gallup Polr, July 1911 I), p. 30.Reprinted by permission.290Table 2.100 Attitudes toward the effect <strong>of</strong> stricter guncontrol laws on the number <strong>of</strong> murders, by gun ownership,United States, 1981f\OTE: See NOTE, Table 2.94. For a discussion <strong>of</strong> public opinionsurvey sampling procedures, see Appendix 7.Question: "Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement: "Stricter gun control laws would help reduce thenumber <strong>of</strong> murders in this country."f\btionalGun ownersf\bt gun owners(Percent)f\btAgree Disagree sureSource: !\BC News and The Associated Press, Poll Results!\BC News, Report No. 66 (New York: NBC News, Apr. 28,1981 ), p. 12. Reprinted by permission.Table 2.101 Attitudes toward the sentencing <strong>of</strong> criminalswho carry a gun during the commission <strong>of</strong> a crime, UnitedStates, 1981503164476832f\OTE: See f\OTE, Table 2.34.Question: "Leaving aside those cases in which there is amurder, how do you feel a criminal who carries a gun whencomnittlng a crime should be sentenced?"Sentence(Percent)Life in prison5 to 10 years added to sentenceSentence should be the same as with no gunDepends on circumstancesDon't know34Total public15512086Source: "The Plague <strong>of</strong> Violent Crime," Newswee;!, Mar.23, 1981, p. 52. Copyright 1911 I by "Iewsweek Inc. All rightsreserved. Reprinted by permission.Iit, \J1) IiI'il'j'IijII1":1d\1\I! ~ ,I\'IIIi,IilIi'II, Ii l I1I!iIt!Table 2.102 Respondents who report knowing victims <strong>of</strong>child abuse, wife abuse, or abuse <strong>of</strong> th~ «:Iderly! bydemographic characteristics and type <strong>of</strong> Victim, UnitedStates, 1981f\OTE: For a discussion <strong>of</strong> public opinion survey samplingprocedures, see ,\ppendlx 7.Question: "Do you know anyone who Is or has been avictim <strong>of</strong> the following (child abuse, wife abuse, or abuse <strong>of</strong> theelderly)?"f\btionalSex:MoleFemaleRace:WhiteBlackEducation:8th grade or lessHigh schoolCollegeOccupation:Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalExecutiveProprietorWhite collarSkilled laborIncome:25,00 I and over115,00 I to $25,0007,501 to $15,0007,500 and underAge:18 to 29 years30 to 49 years50 to 64 years65 years and olderCommunity size:CitySuburbTownRuralRegion:EastMidwestSouthWestPolitics:RepublicanDemacratIndependent(Percent responding "know someone")Wife Child Abuse <strong>of</strong>abuse abuse the elderly272132272516262930281934292831252131341816302526252530242828223323 ,18272325122226302920262124232124282818122418272523212230262025Source: Table adopted by saRCEBOO< staff fr~ tablesprovided by Louis Harris and Associates, Inc. Reprinted bypermission.161417151914141717II1217121416141914199181912151616141715151318291Table 2.103 Respondents rating the problems <strong>of</strong> chil~ abuse,wife abuse, and abuse <strong>of</strong> the elderly as very seriOUS, bydemographic characteristics, United States, 1981f\OTE: For a discussion <strong>of</strong> public opinion survey samplingprocedures, see Appendix 7.Question: ''How serious a problem do you think (childabuse wife abuse, abuse <strong>of</strong> the elderly) Is In this country--veryr. :lrio~s, somewhat serIoUS, hardly serious, or not a problem?"f\btlanalSex:MoleFemaleRace:WhiteBlockEducation:8th grade or lessHigh schoolCollegeOccupation:Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalExecutiveProprietorWhite collarSkilled laborIncome:25,00 I and over115,00 I to $25,0007,50 I to $15,0007,500 and underAge:18 to 29 years30 to 49 years50 to 64 years65 years and olderCommunity size:CitySuburbTownRuralRegion:EastMidwestSouthWestPolitics:RepublicanD,~mocratIndependent(Percent responding "very serious")Childabuse6256686172S6665961636366n58676863756552456459656162616065606560WifeabuseAbuse <strong>of</strong>the elderly42 3934504059404540403933505234474948524535294938414042443847411144133443658334436353639424532434347484030344537413447373441344436Source: Table adapted by Sa.RC~BOO< staff fr~ tablesprovided by Louis Harri" and ASSOCiates, Inc. Reprinted bypermission.o

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