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ReferencesAbercrombie, D. (1967) Elements of General Phonetics. Edinburgh: EdinburghUniversity Press.Afuta, P. (2002) Representation of syllabic consonants and statement of a finalsite in yiddish. Poster presented at the 10 th Manchester Phonology Meeting,Manchester.Anderson, S. (1985) Phonology in the twentieth century. Chicago: Universityof Chicago Press.Aronoff, M. (1980) The treatment of juncture in American linguistics. InM. Aronoff and M-L. Kean (eds.) Juncture, 29—36. Saratoga, Cal.:Anma Libri.Bargie³ówna, M. (1950) Grupy fonemów spó³g³oskowych wspó³czesnej polszczyznykulturalnej. Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Jêzykoznawczego 10,1—25.Bethin, Ch. (1984) Voicing assimilation in Polish. International Journal ofSlavic Linguistics and Poetics 29, 17—32.Bethin, Ch. (1992) Polish syllables: The role of prosody in phonology and morphology.Columbus OH: Slavica.Bethin, Ch. (1998) Slavic prosody: language change and phonological theory.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Biedrzycki, L. (1971) Analiza fonologiczna angielskich i polskich rezonantów.Ph.D. dissertation. Warsaw University.Biedrzycki, L. (1978) Fonologia angielskich i polskich rezonantów. Warszawa:PWN.Blaho, S. (2001) The representation of Slovak syllabic consonants in strict CV.The Odd Yearbook 6, 3—24.Blaho, S. (2002) The behaviour of /j/, /v/ and /h/ in Hungarian voice assimilation:an OT analysis. In M. van Koppen, J. Sio and M. de Vo s (eds.)Proceedings of Console X, 1—71. Leiden: Sole.Blevins, J. (1995) The syllable in phonological theory. In J.A. Goldsmith(ed.) The handbook of phonological theory, 206—244. Oxford: Blackwell.

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