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Consonantal interaction33In the following sub-section we provide some evidence indicating thatbranching onsets should indeed be represented as a sequence of two onsetsseparated by the empty nuclear position. However, contrary to C y -ran (2003), it will be demonstrated that such structures are leftwardrather than rightward relations (6).(6) Lic.C V C V| P | |T R V→This is a rather daring proposal, as here it is a sonorant and not anobstruent that is the governor, which may imply that sonorants are morecomplex than obstruents.The remaining points on Cyran’s (2003) list will be dealt withimmediately after the discussion concerning the directionality of theIO relations. Thus, the application of Proper Government and GovernmentLicensing will be discussed in sections 5.1 and 5.2. After that inChapter Two (section 2.1) we shall look closer at TR clusters and theprefixation.5.1. Infrasegmental GovernmentThis section presents the major arguments in favour of the leftward relationbetween two onsets. The discussion is based on Scheer’s (1999a,2004) analysis concerning the prefixation in Czech.The peculiarity of the Czech data lies in the fact that in the vastmajority of cases the prefix-final vowel is not vocalised before a consonantcluster, that is, before a traditional branching onset, e.g. bezP-bradý‘beardless’, rozP-drobit ‘crumble’, rozP-prahat ‘stretch’. 23 Given the factthat consonant clusters in GP block the application of PG, 24 the existenceof such forms is rather surprising as it is the context where the prefixvowel is predicted to be vocalised (7).23The examples are taken from Scheer (1999a, 2004).24See Kaye (1990), Kaye at al. (1990) and Charette (1990, 1991).3 Polish...

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