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82 The phonological nature of the beginning of the word(39)[rt]êæ[rd]est[rd¡z]a / [rd¡z]eñ[rv]etes‘mercury’‘knotgrass’‘rust’/ ‘core’‘commotion’Although not indicating any sign of the properly governed nucleus, therepresentation of the clusters in (39) has been equated with the one exploitedby the #RT clusters mentioned earlier. In short, it has been suggestedthat the clusters in (39) are resolved by means of PG, even thoughsuch forms are never broken up by any alternating vowel. However, ithas also been mentioned that the experimental prefixation conducted byCyran (2003:301) puts our proposal in jeopardy. Note that if the wordinitialconsonants in rtêæ or rdest are separated by the properly governednucleus, the vocalisation of the prefix is predicted. What we actually findis the reverse situation, i.e. the prefix vowel is suppressed, e.g. podPrtêciowy,podPrdzewia³y, podPrdestowy. Note, however, that when prefixed,such forms resemble regular cases of trapped consonants, i.e. the sonorantis sandwiched between two obstruents. Since the sonorants aretrapped, they should be given the appropriate representation, that is,the right-branching structure (40).(40) PG(C V) C V| |p oC|tVeCrVPThe reason why the prefix remains unvocalised is the trapped characterof the sonorant which spreads to the following nucleus. The nucleus thenserves as the proper governor to the prefix vowel. Furthermore, notethat the final consonant of the prefix in (40) is devoiced. Recall that thisis a normal situation since obstruents separated by a trapped sonorantmust observe the same voice specification, e.g. Jê[drek] – Jê[t °rk]a (a name).Finally, similarly to the trapped sonorants discussed in sections 3.3-3.5, the [r] in podrtêciowy [pot °rte­t¡‚ové] is devoiced itself as it occurs betweentwo voiceless obstruents, one in the prefix and the other in theroot.Let us summarise the findings in section 3. The subject of our investigationin this section was the group of three-consonant clusters occurringat the left edge of the word in Polish. It was demonstrated thatthree-consonant clusters along with two-consonant sequences (section 2)can be accounted for using only two forces, i.e. Government and Licen-C|tV|eC|­V|PC|t¡‚V|oC|vV|é

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