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38 The frameworkexist. What is a BrO in GP is represented in the Strict CV framework asa sequence of two onsets separated by an empty nucleus, that is, ONO.Such onsets, if adequately equipped, can contract a consonantal relation.Moreover, we have seen that in Scheer’s (1999a, 2004) version of theElement Theory, contrary to earlier proposals, it is the sonorant whichacts as the head and can govern the preceding obstruent. The relationbetween both consonants is called Infrasegmental Government (10).(10) Lic. Lic.a.C 0V 0 C 1|TV 1P→C 2|RV 2|Vb.C 0V 0 C 1|RIt is generally accepted that an empty nucleus separating consonantswhich contract a relation can remain empty. In other words, it is licensedto stay unexpressed simply by appearing in the domain of the consonantalinteraction. The pressing question is why the structure in (10b) is notfound in English or German. Why are initial #RT clusters not attested inthose languages? A partial solution to the problem lies in Charette’s(1990, 1992) proposal of the mechanism she calls Government Licensing.Charette (1990) claims that any consonantal relation must belicensed by the following audible vowel. To be more precise, the head ofthe relation must be licensed in order to govern the complement. Scheer (1999a) makes use of Government Licensing (GL) to explain the absenceof structures like those in (10b) from languages like English. However,he adds that the head of the domain, i.e. the sonorant, must belicensed by an immediately following nucleus. Now, the reason why thestructure in (10b) is impossible in English falls out naturally. Note thatin (10b) the sonorant is followed by an empty nucleus which is unable togive it the licence required to contract the IG relation. However, the attentivereader would raise two immediate questions. First, how comethere exist languages like Polish and Czech which do allow such sequencesinitially. Second, given the fact concerning the application of ProperGovernment, one more option becomes available, namely, the consonantsare separated by an empty nucleus which is properly governed by thefollowing audible one. What is crucial here, however, is the fact that bothrepresentations in (10) start with the initial empty CV unit. In order toclarify this point, let us now discuss briefly Lowenstamm’s (1999)proposal. In his article Lowenstamm (1999) puts forward the ideathat words of every major category are preceded by an empty CV unit.V 1P→C 2|TV 2|

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