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Left margin in Polish57ternating vowels, as lexically present, prohibit the contraction of the consonantalrelation, then the form zgraæ must be recognised as an exceptionto this observation.(15)a. PG b. PGC|zVeC|gVP→IGC|rV|aC|t¡‚V|PC|rV|oC|zV|eC|gVeC|rV|aC|t¡‚V|PIt could be claimed that zgraæ and rozegraæ are two separate forms, andthe former being morphologised does not indicate vowel-zero alternationbut holds the IG relation like other regular #TR clusters. Another possibilityto overcome this problem would be to resort to phonological domains(see section 3.3 in Chapter One). This seems justified especiallybecause at this stage our theory cannot get rid of brackets altogether.They are still required to account for denominal and deadjectival verbsor adjectives, e.g. odwszyæ ‘delouse’, roztkliwiæ ‘get sentimental’, etc., whichseem to be prefixed analytically (see Szpyra 1989). Thus, the form in(15a) could be represented schematically as [zP][gPrat¡‚], where the alternatingvowel in the stem is properly governed by the following vowel,while the prefixal vowel is suppressed because it occurs domain-finally.To conclude, from the above discussion it follows that it is possible to getrid of bracketing at least in the class of Derived Imperfectives. However,at this stage the claim that bracketing can be dispensed with altogetherseems premature. As bracketing is not our main concern in this work, wewill not pursue this topic but leave it for future research.In the discussion so far we have analysed #TT, #TR, #RR and some ofthe #RT clusters (for the latter see section 2 in this chapter). We have seenthat #TT and #RT clusters are always resolved by means of PG and theyarise due to the inert character of the initial empty CV unit. On the otherhand, #TR and #RR clusters can have the representation of either (14a) or(14b). The latter applies to forms which indicate vowel-zero alternationsbut also to forms which are morphologically marked. Additionally, it hasbeen pointed out that #m + R clusters are able to hold the IG relation. Thisfollows naturally from the fact that labiality is represented by the element(B) rather than (U), the latter one stands only for velarity.In order to conclude our discussion of the word-initial two consonantclusters, we will look more deeply at the #RT sequences in Polish. It willbe demonstrated that true #RT clusters are rather rare.

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