Local Development Plan




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Housing<br />

The new Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council’s <strong>Local</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> will<br />

Housing<br />

run to 2030. Based on the figures from 2015, provided from Central<br />

The Government new Lisburn through & Castlereagh Housing Growth City Council’s Indicators, <strong>Local</strong> it <strong>Development</strong> is estimated that <strong>Plan</strong> an will<br />

run allocation to 2030. of Based 13,300 on dwellings the figures will from be required 2015, provided over the from plan Central period.<br />

Government through Housing Growth Indicators, it is estimated that an<br />

Whilst household size is expected to decrease over the <strong>Plan</strong> period, the<br />

allocation of 13,300 dwellings will be required over the plan period.<br />

total number of households is predicted to increase by 18%, an increase<br />

Whilst of approximately household 9,500 size is on expected the 2012 to total decrease of approximately over the <strong>Plan</strong> 53,000 period, the<br />

total households. number of households is predicted to increase by 18%, an increase<br />

of approximately 9,500 on the 2012 total of approximately 53,000<br />

Housing need in the Council area remained high between 2010 -2015. In<br />

households.<br />

2016 there were 2,247 applicants on the waiting list for housing with<br />

1,183 Housing housing need the stress. Council The projected area remained social high housing between need 2010 for the -2015. district In<br />

from 2016 2015-2020 there were is 2,247 for 800 applicants units. on the waiting list for housing with<br />

1,183 in housing stress. The projected social housing need for the district<br />

Housing land is distributed among the settlement hierarchy 11 . An<br />

from 2015-2020 is for 800 units.<br />

element of single housing in the countryside is also provided outside<br />

Housing settlements land subject is distributed to meeting among policy the requirements.<br />

settlement hierarchy 11 . An<br />

element of single housing in the countryside is also provided outside<br />

Economy<br />

settlements subject to meeting policy requirements.<br />

In terms of employment, economic activity is high (at 70% compared to<br />

Economy<br />

the NI average of 66%) however it is recognised that there is potential to<br />

further In terms grow of employment, and expand economic the employment activity base is high through (at 70% the compared provision to of<br />

the additional NI average jobs, of of 66%) which however 6,500 are it is estimated recognised to that be required there is over potential the <strong>Plan</strong> to<br />

further period from grow 2015-2030. and expand the employment base through the provision of<br />

additional jobs, of which 6,500 are estimated to be required over the <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Given the key strategic location of the Council area regionally, there are<br />

period from 2015-2030.<br />

significant opportunities to attract a wide range of major employment<br />

Given types, the in particular key strategic on the location two Major of the Employment Council area Locations regionally, at there West are<br />

significant opportunities to attract a wide range of major employment<br />

types, 11 See Key in particular Issue 1 The on Settlement the two Major Hierarchy Employment Locations at West<br />

Lisburn/Blaris and Purdysburn/Knockbracken which provide regional<br />

gateways on major transportation corridors; and the Maze lands which<br />

Lisburn/Blaris provide an abundant and Purdysburn/Knockbracken landmass for regionally significant which provide developments. regional<br />

gateways on major transportation corridors; and the Maze lands which<br />

The rural area also provides important opportunities for employment<br />

provide an abundant landmass for regionally significant developments.<br />

through agriculture, forestry, tourism and other rural related enterprises.<br />

The rural relationship area also between provides the important rural area opportunities and the settlement for employment hierarchy is<br />

through interdependent agriculture, and forestry, sustaining tourism rural communities and other rural will related be an important enterprises.<br />

The focus relationship of the LDP. between The aim the will rural be to area ensure and a the balance settlement between hierarchy protecting is<br />

the interdependent countryside and allowing sustaining further rural communities opportunities will for be sustainable an important<br />

development.<br />

focus of the LDP. The aim will be to ensure a balance between protecting<br />

the countryside and allowing further opportunities for sustainable<br />

Infrastructure<br />

development.<br />

The Council area benefits from its advantageous strategic location on two<br />

Infrastructure<br />

key transport corridors within Northern Ireland, the North-South<br />

The economic Council corridor area benefits and the from East-West its advantageous transport corridor. strategic It location occupies on a two<br />

key central transport eastern corridors location within in close Northern proximity Ireland, to key the infrastructure North-South including<br />

the economic principal corridor maritime and gateway the East-West and logistics transport hub corridor. of Belfast It Harbour occupies and a<br />

central the port eastern of Larne location which serves in close both proximity passengers to key and infrastructure freight, and including the two<br />

the main principal airports, maritime Belfast International gateway and and logistics George hub Best of Belfast Harbour City. Rail and<br />

the services port are of Larne provided which at serves Lisburn both Railway passengers Station and (on the freight, Belfast-Dublin and the two<br />

main line) and airports, proposals Belfast are International underway for and implementation George Best Belfast of a new City. rail Rail halt at<br />

services Knockmore, are provided West Lisburn, at Lisburn offering Railway further Station opportunities (on the Belfast-Dublin<br />

for business and<br />

economic line) and proposals growth. are underway for implementation of a new rail halt at<br />

Knockmore, West Lisburn, offering further opportunities for business and<br />

Environment<br />

economic growth.<br />

The Council area has a significant natural setting with the Antrim Plateau<br />

Environment<br />

dominating the landscape to the north east descending to the shores of<br />

The Lough Council Neagh area to the has West a significant and the natural River Lagan setting to with the south. the Antrim The Lagan Plateau<br />

dominating the landscape to the north east descending to the shores of<br />

Lough Neagh to the West and the River Lagan to the south. The Lagan<br />

11 See Key Issue 1 The Settlement Hierarchy<br />

14<br />

Spatial Context

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