Local Development Plan




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Options for Key Issue 5: Safeguarding Existing Employment Land<br />

Option 5A Preferred Option<br />

Reason<br />

Options for Key Issue 5: Safeguarding Existing Employment Land<br />

Maintain the current provision of land zoned for Employment land zoned through the existing <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> provides a distribution throughout the <strong>Plan</strong><br />

employment (with the exception of the West<br />

area to allow for business enterprises and industry over the <strong>Plan</strong> period. Within the Council area there is<br />

Lisburn/Blaris Option 5A Preferred Major Employment Option Location):<br />

currently Reason 259 hectares 28 of zoned employment land which remains to be utilised.<br />

Land Maintain currently the current zoned provision retained of and land protected zoned for for use in Employment It is considered land that zoned this will through provide the sufficient existing <strong>Development</strong> land for employment/industry <strong>Plan</strong> provides a distribution uses over the throughout duration the of the <strong>Plan</strong><br />

the employment future when (with needed the exception for employment/economic<br />

of the West<br />

area <strong>Plan</strong> (up to allow to 2030). for business This option enterprises satisfies and the industry requirements over the of Policy <strong>Plan</strong> period. RG1 of the Within RDS the 2035 Council which area aims there to ensure is<br />

purposes Lisburn/Blaris only. Major No new Employment land will be Location): allocated for<br />

currently an adequate 259 supply hectares of 28 land of zoned to facilitate employment sustainable land economic which remains growth to and be utilised. is consistent with the regional<br />

employment/economic Land currently zoned is retained uses. and protected for use in It strategic is considered policy identified that this will in the provide SPPS sufficient for safeguarding land for land employment/industry zoned for economic uses development over the duration use. of the<br />

the<br />

Option<br />

future<br />

5B<br />

when needed for employment/economic <strong>Plan</strong> (up to 2030). This option satisfies the requirements of Policy RG1 of the RDS 2035 which aims to ensure<br />

purposes only. No new land will be allocated for<br />

an adequate supply of land to facilitate sustainable economic growth and is consistent with the regional<br />

employment/economic Redesignate sites which uses. are currently zoned as<br />

The strategic zoning policy of land identified provides in for the rational SPPS for and safeguarding consistent land decisions zoned on for planning economic applications development and use. provides a<br />

employment land for alternative uses:<br />

measure of certainty about which types of development that will and will not be permitted. To re-zone land<br />

Select<br />

Option<br />

sites<br />

5B<br />

across the Council area that are suitable for that has already been provided from business and industry could cause uncertainty and potentially give rise to<br />

alternative Redesignate uses sites other which than are their currently existing zoned employment as<br />

complaints The zoning of from land nearby provides residents for rational or businesses. and consistent Should decisions this option on planning be implemented, applications it will and be provides important a to<br />

zoning. employment land for alternative uses:<br />

identify measure at of the certainty outset about which which sites should types of be development re-zoned and that provide will and sound will evidence not be permitted. base/justification To re-zone for sites land<br />

Select sites across the Council area that are suitable for selected. that has already been provided from business and industry could cause uncertainty and potentially give rise to<br />

alternative Option 5C uses other than their existing employment complaints from nearby residents or businesses. Should this option be implemented, it will be important to<br />

zoning.<br />

identify at the outset which sites should be re-zoned and provide sound evidence base/justification for sites<br />

Increase current levels of zoned employment land: selected. The potential exists to identify more employment land throughout the <strong>Plan</strong> area. Whilst it may be possible to<br />

Provide additional sites for employment across the identify additional sites, it is considered that this could stifle other forms of development or affect<br />

Council<br />

Option 5C<br />

area.<br />

opportunities for developing other uses where pressures apply, such as land for social housing.<br />

Increase current levels of zoned employment land: The Given potential the generous exists to supply identify of existing more employment land land throughout the the <strong>Plan</strong> Council area. area, Whilst it is it not may considered be possible to<br />

Provide additional sites for employment across the identify necessary additional to zone any sites, further it is considered employment that land. this could This situation stifle other could forms be kept of development under review or and affect amended if<br />

Council area.<br />

opportunities necessary at review for developing stage of other <strong>Plan</strong> uses process where following pressures adoption. apply, such as land for social housing.<br />

Have your say! Please use the Council’s<br />

Given<br />

Preferred<br />

the generous<br />

Options<br />

supply<br />

Response<br />

of existing<br />

Form to<br />

employment<br />

submit your<br />

land<br />

response<br />

throughout<br />

to this<br />

the<br />

Preferred<br />

Council area,<br />

Option.<br />

it is not considered<br />

necessary to zone any further employment land. This situation could be kept under review and amended if<br />

necessary at review stage of the <strong>Plan</strong> process following adoption.<br />

Have your say! Please use the Council’s Preferred Options Response Form to submit your response to this Preferred Option.<br />

28 There is a total of 547 hectares of employment land in the Council area, of which nearly half (259 hectares/47%) remains to be utilised.<br />

28 There is a total of 547 hectares of employment land in the Council area, of which nearly half (259 hectares/47%) remains to be utilised.<br />

Key Issues and Options 77

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