Local Development Plan




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Key Issue 2: Facilitating Future Housing Growth (Settlements)<br />

As referred to previously, the new <strong>Local</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> will run up to<br />

Key Issue 2: Facilitating Future Housing Growth (Settlements)<br />

2030. The figure provided by Central Government have been projected<br />

from As referred 2012 to to 2030 previously, to allow the for new an allocation <strong>Local</strong> <strong>Development</strong> of 13,300 <strong>Plan</strong> dwelling will run units up for to<br />

the 2030. lifetime The figure of the provided new <strong>Local</strong> by <strong>Development</strong> Central Government <strong>Plan</strong>. This have is been an estimate projected and<br />

will from be 2012 subject to 2030 to any to future allow for review. an allocation 20<br />

of 13,300 dwelling units for<br />

the lifetime of the new <strong>Local</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. This is an estimate and<br />

The projected 13,300 housing growth<br />

will be subject to any future review. 20 figure can be substantially<br />

accommodated on existing housing and mixed use zonings in the current<br />

The <strong>Development</strong> projected <strong>Plan</strong> 13,300 (BMAP housing 2015) growth in combination figure can with be substantially land that is<br />

accommodated committed for housing on existing with housing planning and permissions. mixed use zonings in the current<br />

<strong>Development</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (BMAP 2015) in combination with land that is<br />

committed As stated in for the housing RDS, the with allocation planning of permissions. housing growth to specific locations<br />

in a district is a matter for decision through the development plan<br />

As process. stated In in the the allocation RDS, the allocation process, account of housing must growth be taken to specific of the roles locations and<br />

in functions a district of is each a matter settlement. for decision (See Figure through 5 Settlement the development Hierarchy plan<br />

process. Pyramid) In the allocation process, account must be taken of the roles and<br />

functions of each settlement. (See Figure 5 Settlement Hierarchy<br />

Pyramid) In defining where each settlement sits in the hierarchy, account should be<br />

taken of a wide range of factors, including the RDS spatial framework, the<br />

In population defining where of individual each settlements sits and in an the assessment hierarchy, account of the role should or be<br />

taken function of a of wide settlements. range of factors, including the RDS spatial framework, the<br />

population of individual settlements and an assessment of the role or<br />

function Taking into of settlements.<br />

account the RDS requirement of meeting 60% of new housing<br />

allocations within the Urban Footprint 21 there is currently insufficient land<br />

within Taking the into remaining account the Urban RDS Footprints requirement to achieve of meeting this 60% figure. of new housing<br />

allocations within the Urban Footprint 21 there is currently insufficient land<br />

within the remaining Urban Footprints to achieve this figure.<br />

20 DFI methodology based on number of households, second homes, vacant<br />

stock, net conversions/closures/demolitions and total housing stock including<br />

NISRA 20 population projections<br />

21 DFI methodology based on number of households, second homes, vacant<br />

Settlements with population over 5,000 which are Lisburn City, Lisburn Greater<br />

stock, net conversions/closures/demolitions and total housing stock including<br />

Urban Area, Castlereagh Greater Urban Area and Carryduff<br />

NISRA population projections<br />

21 Settlements with population over 5,000 which are Lisburn City, Lisburn Greater<br />

Urban Area, Castlereagh Greater Urban Area and Carryduff<br />

If a density of 25 dwellings per hectare is applied to land inside the urban<br />

footprint in these settlements it could only accommodate 2,162 dwellings<br />

If which a density is only of 16% 25 dwellings of the 13,300 per hectare HGI Allocation. is applied This to land results inside a the shortfall urban<br />

of footprint land within in these settlements urban footprint it could (an additional only accommodate 7,980 dwellings 2,162 dwellings would be<br />

required which is only based 16% on of the the RDS 13,300 60% requirement).<br />

HGI Allocation. This results in a shortfall<br />

of land within the urban footprint (an additional 7,980 dwellings would be<br />

required Land outside based the on urban the RDS footprint 60% requirement).<br />

within the settlement limits which is<br />

currently zoned or committed for housing within these settlements can<br />

accommodate Land outside the 7,275 urban dwellings footprint which within accounts the settlement for a large limits proportion which is of<br />

the currently Housing zoned Growth or committed allocation for figure. housing within these settlements can<br />

accommodate 7,275 dwellings which accounts for a large proportion of<br />

the It is Housing proposed Growth to allow allocation for an additional figure. 10% of housing units above the<br />

Housing Growth allocation figure to accommodate further anticipated<br />

It growth is proposed and to to ensure allow that for an any additional shortfall in 10% housing of housing land does units not above occur the<br />

Housing over the Growth <strong>Plan</strong> period. allocation figure to accommodate further anticipated<br />

growth and to ensure that any shortfall in housing land does not occur<br />

over This could the <strong>Plan</strong> yield period. approximately 1,330 additional housing units depending<br />

on density and will be subject to review at the <strong>Plan</strong> monitor stage.<br />

This could yield approximately 1,330 additional housing units depending<br />

on Lisburn density City and is recognised will be subject as a to growth review location the <strong>Plan</strong> in the monitor RDS and stage. placed at<br />

the top tier in the settlement hierarchy. The spatial location of Lisburn at<br />

the Lisburn meeting City is point recognised of the North-South as a growth economic location in corridor the RDS and and the placed at<br />

East/West the top tier transport in the settlement corridor is hierarchy. particularly The significant. spatial location Currently of Lisburn Lisburn at<br />

City the meeting has 140 hectares point of the of zoned North-South housing economic and mixed corridor use land and remaining. the<br />

East/West Future housing transport growth corridor of Lisburn particularly City is encouraged significant. in Currently line with the Lisburn RDS<br />

City and SPPS. has 140 hectares of zoned housing and mixed use land remaining.<br />

Future housing growth of Lisburn City is encouraged in line with the RDS<br />

and SPPS.<br />

48<br />

Key Issues and Options

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