
Canada West Edition April 2019

Canada West Edition April 2019


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FOOD | WINE & DINE 美 酒 美 食<br />

香 氣 味 道<br />

除 了 味 蕾 感 受 到 的 口 感 和 味 道 , 嗅<br />

覺 上 的 香 氣 也 是 餐 飲 搭 配 中 需 要 考 慮 的<br />

重 點 。 如 何 讓 葡 萄 酒 的 酒 香 與 菜 餚 的 香<br />

氣 完 美 融 合 、 相 得 益 彰 , 頗 需 要 搭 配 者<br />

的 功 力 。 這 裏 有 幾 種 常 見 的 經 典 搭 配 推<br />

薦 給 大 家 。 香 濃 的 咖 哩 可 以 選 擇 同 樣<br />

芳 香 濃 郁 的 葡 萄 酒 ,Gewürztraminer 或<br />

Riesling; 牡 蠣 和 海 鮮 可 以 搭 配 更 溫 和 的<br />

新 釀 Chardonnay 或 Muscadet; 帶 有 泥 土 芬<br />

芳 的 葡 萄 酒 , 如 : 勃 艮 第 的 舊 世 界 黑 比 諾<br />

葡 萄 酒 , 是 蘑 菇 類 菜 餚 的 絕 配 ; 柑 橘 味 濃<br />

郁 的 Sauvignon Blanc 是 搭 配 柑 橘 醋 汁 山 羊<br />

奶 酪 沙 拉 的 好 選 擇 。 總 之 , 尋 找 風 味 有 類<br />

似 之 處 的 菜 餚 和 葡 萄 酒 進 行 搭 配 , 是 最 保<br />

險 的 做 法 。<br />

一 般 說 來 , 決 定 葡 萄 酒 風 味 的 因 素 貫<br />

穿 在 整 個 釀 酒 過 程 中 。 尤 其 是 在 陳 釀 時 使<br />

用 新 的 橡 木 桶 , 能 讓 葡 萄 酒 口 味 發 生 很 大<br />

改 變 。 如 增 加 香 草 、 麵 包 、 煙 熏 、 焦 糖 、<br />

椰 子 等 各 種 獨 特 香 氣 , 這 樣 經 過 釀 製 的 葡<br />

萄 酒 , 因 自 身 口 味 太 過 豐 富 而 不 適 合 搭 配<br />

海 鮮 等 需 要 享 用 食 材 原 汁 原 味 的 菜 餚 , 也<br />

不 適 合 辛 辣 濃 重 的 食 物 , 通 常 作 為 燒 烤 配<br />

酒 是 不 錯 的 選 擇 。<br />

最 後 , 無 論 何 種 專 家 的 意 見 , 都 還 需<br />

要 考 量 個 人 口 味 偏 好 的 因 素 。 美 食 與 美 酒<br />

之 間 的 搭 配 , 並 不 存 在 所 謂 的 「 標 準 答<br />

案 」, 更 無 須 過 份 擔 心 自 己 喜 歡 的 搭 配 不<br />

夠 專 業 而 貽 笑 大 方 。 飲 食 的 重 點 是 享 受 美<br />

酒 佳 餚 所 帶 來 的 美 好 享 受 , 也 唯 有 真 心 沉<br />

醉 熱 愛 方 才 不 會 辜 負 它 們 吧 !<br />

82<br />

Bitterness isn’t bad<br />

Contained within grape skins, seeds, and stems, tannins<br />

are responsible for the astringent, mouth-drying<br />

sensation we experience when drinking red wine. White<br />

grapes also possess these natural compounds, but because<br />

of differences in the winemaking process between red and<br />

white wine, tannins do not show up in white wines. This<br />

is because juice destined for white wine is racked off the<br />

seeds, stems, and skins (collectively called pomace) then<br />

sent off to ferment. To make red wine, the fermenting<br />

grape juice is left in contact with the pomace in order<br />

to extract colour, flavour, and tannins. With tannic red<br />

wines, you’ll want to select fatty, high-protein meats such<br />

as beef, lamb, or duck. The reason for this is that tannins<br />

bind to proteins, leaving your palate cleansed and priming<br />

your taste buds for the next bite.<br />

If you choose a tannic wine to go with your meal, such as<br />

a Barolo or Barbaresco, be sure to avoid pairing it with spicy<br />

foods as they can intensify tannins’ inherent bitterness.<br />

Mind your percentages<br />

Table wines fall between 8 and 14 percent alcohol, with<br />

the majority hovering around the 12 to 14 percent mark.<br />

Most of the time, you won’t need to worry about alcohol<br />

percentages (unless you have an early morning), however,<br />

there is one essential point to note: high-alcohol beverages<br />

enhance spice, so steer away from pairing them with spicy<br />

dishes.<br />

Alcohol plays a major role in the body, or “weight,” of the<br />

wine. Alcohol gives wine a lusher mouthfeel. A wine that<br />

falls under 12 percent is considered light-bodied, while<br />

anything over 13.5 is full-bodied.<br />

Ryzhkov Photography / Shutterstock.com<br />

Evgeny Karandaev / Shutterstock.com<br />

對 頁 : 香 濃 稠 滑 的 意 大<br />

利 蘑 菇 調 味 飯 , 適 合 搭<br />

配 勃 艮 第 白 葡 萄 酒 , 能<br />

令 蘑 菇 的 香 氣 更 加 濃<br />

郁 。 上 圖 : 肉 類 中 含 有 的<br />

蛋 白 質 會 與 紅 葡 萄 酒 中<br />

的 單 寧 酸 發 生 反 應 , 減<br />

輕 油 膩 感 , 更 可 體 現 出<br />

菜 餚 的 深 層 次 味 道 。<br />

Opposite: The<br />

creaminess of<br />

mushroom risotto is<br />

beautifully suited to a<br />

grand or premier cru<br />

white Burgundy, which<br />

has a similarly earthy<br />

flavour. This page: The<br />

proteins in meat will<br />

bind with tannins in red<br />

wine, refreshing your<br />

palate and mellowing<br />

the texture of the wine.<br />

A match made in food<br />

heaven.<br />

Texture, both of the dish and of the wine<br />

itself, is another important consideration.<br />

Match a bottle of wine with a dish of similar<br />

richness or body, and you usually won’t go<br />

wrong. However, you can also use contrasting<br />

textures to make delightful pairings. Fried<br />

foods work beautifully with sparkling wine.<br />

Scent and taste<br />

As with texture, you’ll want to pair wines with<br />

foods of similar aromatic and flavour intensity.<br />

This way, you avoid having one overpower the<br />

other. A fragrant curry demands an aromatic<br />

wine such as Gewürztraminer or Riesling.<br />

Freshly shucked raw oysters need something<br />

milder, such as an unoaked Chardonnay or<br />

Muscadet.<br />

In terms of flavours, a good starting point is<br />

to bring together like with like. Savoury, earthy<br />

wines such as Old World Pinot Noir from<br />

Burgundy, do well with mushroom dishes. A<br />

zesty, citrus-forward Sauvignon Blanc makes<br />

an excellent partner to a goat cheese salad with<br />

citrus vinaigrette. If you want to get creative,<br />

you can pick up on elements present in a dish<br />

and choose a wine with similar components.<br />

Certain decisions made throughout the<br />

winemaking process can influence the aromas<br />

and flavours found in a wine. The most obvious<br />

is the use of oak. Ageing a wine in new oak will<br />

dramatically change its flavour profile, adding<br />

nuances of vanilla, toast, smoke, caramel,<br />

coconut, and spice. Oaked wines would<br />

overwhelm delicate seafood plates and outright<br />

clash with spicy fare, so opt for grilled dishes if<br />

you’re planning to open a wine that has spent<br />

time in new oak.<br />

Ultimately, pairings are about achieving<br />

balance, whether it’s finding harmony between<br />

contrasting flavours (spicy and sweet) or<br />

marrying like with like (a savoury mushroom<br />

tart with an earthy red).<br />

That said, these are only guidelines. Taste<br />

is subjective. You might discover delicious yet<br />

unorthodox pairings that you love. Allow room<br />

for exploration and bear in mind that matching<br />

food and wine should primarily be about<br />

pleasure rather than getting a pairing “right.”<br />

Camille Berry is a wine and food writer based in the UK who is a<br />

Certified Sommelier, Certified Specialist of Wine, and has passed the<br />

WSET Advanced with Merit. She has helped create dynamic wine lists<br />

and worked as a wine educator.

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