January 2002 - October 2006 - The Jerry Quarry Foundation

January 2002 - October 2006 - The Jerry Quarry Foundation

January 2002 - October 2006 - The Jerry Quarry Foundation


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Joe. It seems as though you guys are only looking at what Foreman could do and<br />

not what Louis could do. As for Louis-Liston. If anybody on the top ten all<br />

time great heavyweight list is overrated it's Sonny Liston. Hey Evrin, Kent,<br />

Steve where are you guy's on this one? Are you going to bail me out or put me<br />

in my place? |<br />

|9/13/02 03:16:56 AM|Kent|La Habra, Ca||oriononside@aol.com||||10|Bob, I am with<br />

you on this one. I picked Louis over Foreman, although with some rough early<br />

going. I think Louis speed would be a key element and I think he was much<br />

stronger than people give him credit for.|<br />

|9/13/02 07:14:49 AM|John Gerard|NYC||rock289z@yahoo.com||||10|REGARDING LISTON:<br />

Well, I think the problem with Liston was that even early in his career he was<br />

much older than people thought he was and probably started out almost past his<br />

prime. But his fights in the late1950's and early 60's were pretty<br />

impressive. But I realize that part of greatness is longevity and Liston was<br />

really a flash in the pan, but a very impressive one while he was hot. I have<br />

seen films of him against Cleve Williams, Eddie Machon, Patterson, etc. and for<br />

a briefmoment he was awesome. the pay he pulverized Nino Valdez had to<br />

imress. By the the time he fought Ali he was about 40 (in my opinion) and washed<br />

up. And yes, he lacked heart, he never should have quit in the Miami fight<br />

againt Ali. I still don't know the real story on that one -- or how he died.|<br />

|9/13/02 02:41:24 PM|Steve|N.J.||dmmsrm@comcast.net||||10|Hey Bob,I agree with<br />

you completely on Joe Louis.I personally think he and Ali are a pick-em for all<br />

time great heavyweights.Louis threw faster,more accurate combinations than<br />

either Forman or Liston.He was also a harder puncher and stronger guy than he<br />

seems to be getting credit for on this site.|<br />

|9/13/02 03:59:39 PM|Bob Bumbera|NC||renfbera@aol.com||||10|John, Liston's<br />

mother once said she thought Sonny was born in 1929 then later changed it to<br />

1932, no one knows for sure. I don't think Sonny knew how old he was. He was<br />

born on an Arkansas plantation with no birth certificate. I beleive his mother<br />

had 12 or 13 kids with various men. So he may have been as old as 35 when he won<br />

the title. I think in the first Ali fight he just said the hell with it, I'm<br />

tired, I can't catch this guy I'm going home. Another day another dollar. I<br />

remember a story when Sonny fought Chuck Wepner. Wepner said during the ref's<br />

instructions Liston looked like he was 50 years old and been out drinking all<br />

night. He was a good, strong fighter with one of the best jabs in boxing<br />

history, but he had a hard time coping with crafty boxers like Machen. Maybe if<br />

Liston had given himself a break earlier in life he would have made a great<br />

champion. |<br />

|9/13/02 07:35:10 PM|Kent|La Habra, Ca||oriononside@aol.com||||10|How come we<br />

don't have more comments on Ali verses Frazier, prime against prime? I want to<br />

say again, or if I have neglected to do so, thank you to Evren for keeping our<br />

long time tournament going. It has been a long hard road from start to finish.|<br />

|9/14/02 10:52:58 AM|EVREN|LONDON||@||||10|Enjoying a holiday in Italy will post<br />

soon. Evren|<br />

|9/14/02 12:16:28 PM|JIMMY DORSEY|VENTURA<br />

CALIFORNIA||RONNYRAINS@YAHOO.COM||||10|EVERN: It must be nice!, no,i hope you<br />

are having a good time there (especially on there beaches!). i've sat back and<br />

pondered the FOREMAN/LOUIS bout. I have to agree with JOHN G. AND GO WITH BIG<br />

GEORGE. and only going by opponents alone, didn't LOUIS have a "BUM OF THE MONTH<br />

CLUB?" I know George fought more than his share of "bums!" But at they same<br />

token,he sure took on a lot<br />

better,Lyle,Ali,Frazier(twice),Norton,Holyfield,Chuvalo,Moorer,Morrison,Young,ok<br />

ay big GEORGE never used footwork,and neither did LOUIS,(THEY DIDN'T HAVE TOO!)<br />


|9/14/02 03:31:52 PM|JIMMY DORSEY|VENTURA<br />



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