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machine, unwilling to hear Josie’s voice for fear it would draw

her home before it was truly safe to come back. Josie told the

committee of the very real threat that others from the Isai clan

would come for Billy and that the cycle of retribution would

be never ending unless they intervened. Sadly, without Hannah

and Billy, without pictures, without wounds, Josie’s urging of

reconciliation of ancient laws with modern justice made little


“And lastly, we want to thank Ms. Bates for coming all the

way from California to enlighten us about the very real threat

stemming from Albanian cultural justice known as blood feud,

a practice that both the Catholic Church and Albanian

government have denounced…”

Josie acknowledged the recognition with a slight inclination

of her head. In turn, Senator Patriota graced her with the kind

of smile one might give an old friend. That was a good trick

since they had never met. Minions had orchestrated this event

and lavished attention on the witnesses in an effort to make

them forget that the man in charge hadn’t even so much as

shaken their hands. Now he owned a piece of them. Their

stories, their pictures, and their sworn statements were in the

public record. Josie had no doubt that all of it would be used in

Patriota’s upcoming campaign. Washington was a wellordered

machine when it wanted to be.

Then Josie’s attention was caught by something other than

Senator Patriota’s acknowledgement, and it wasn’t the first

time it had happened during the proceedings. For the last hour

she had been the object of someone’s scrutiny. Now, as the

hearing came to a close, her sense of unease intensified.

She cut her eyes left and scanned the people standing

against the wall. She looked right and did the same. No one

showed any particular interest in her. She resisted the urge to

look behind her, to look people in the eye and see if they

suddenly averted theirs. Instead, she rubbed the nape of her

neck, working out a kink as she tried to convince herself that

she was simply tired. Away from the beach, the sun, and the

surf she was the proverbial fish out of water. As beautiful as

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