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and a hint of extraordinary perfume. Although she called to

her husband, the other men in the room immediately

acknowledged her with admiring looks. She rewarded them

with a quick and winning smile.

Lydia Patriota was a lovely woman many years the senator’s

junior but blessed with a grace and carriage that belied her

youth. She was the second Ms. Patriota, the first having passed

on some fifteen years earlier leaving behind Ambrose and two

children who were now grown, successful, and above

reproach. Of Lydia’s many charms, the fact that the second

Mrs. Patriota did not want her own children despite being of

childbearing age was high on Ambrose’s list of things he liked

about her. He had no desire to be the butt of jokes about his

virility, nor did he wish to leave a child orphaned should life

not bless him with immortality, neither did he have time to

spend with a little one. That he and Lydia loved one another as

perfect, powerful, pretty people can was just icing on the cake.

He had no doubt that, at his passing, she would be a most

lovely widow and that she would truly mourn him. Luckily,

she would not be wearing weeds anytime soon.

“Is there anything else you gentlemen need for the

evening?” Lydia asked.

“Thank you, dear, we’re fine.” Ambrose answered for the

four men in the living room.

“I’ll be going upstairs then,” she said. “Don’t keep my

husband up too late. And Woodrow, I don’t care who you are,

honey, don’t smoke in the house. Standing next to an open

window does not draw the smoke out on a night like this.

You’ve only succeeded in making the room chilly and stinky.”

With that, she left the men to their confab and went to her

bedroom thinking how interesting it would be when the stairs

she climbed were those in the White House. Behind her, the

men chuckled their appreciation. There was something quite

nice about a beautiful woman who wasn’t afraid to slap their

wrists. Ambrose, as Lydia’s husband, took great delight in

their delight. For Lydia, after all, belonged to him.

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