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“Next line down actually a history of covert government


“The final line refers to the dates relevant to the start of

each program.”

“I’ve run down most of them. There were thousands of

people involved in those operations back in the day,” Stephen


“Before we left, we did some quick research. Artichoke and

CHATTER were the code words for early programs dealing in

mind control. Artichoke was the navy, isn’t that right,


“Right. The big program was called MKUltra and that was

sanctioned in 1953,” Stephen answered. “Hospitals,

universities, research facilities and individual scientists from

the United States and Canada, even England, were all taking

part although it’s been proven that many did not realize the

insidiousness of the thing. The United States even employed

Nazi scientists in the early days because they had experience

with human experimentation in the camps. I think we can

safely surmise that your father, Amelia, was an unwitting

victim even in his capacity as a researcher.”

“I know he was. I’ve read enough in his journals now to see

that he was slowly putting it all together,” Amelia said.

“I imagine we’ll find records giving instructions that he be

neutralized or whatever they call it,” Stephen surmised. “What

easier way to keep him silent than to do to him what was done

to the residents. These drugs could be administered without

the knowledge of the victim. That’s what I find so frightening.

That one could be plucked up and made to disappear that way

is almost unfathomable.”

“But it was easy,” Josie said as she reclaimed her chair.

“The army used their own enlisted people as subjects. They

branched out to mental patients and transients. These people

were specifically chosen because they had no family or

community ties. There was no informed consent. They were

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