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but couldn’t see the one important intended one – that his butt

would be saved. What he didn’t know was that Johnson’s

would, too. If Reynolds wasn’t up to the task then Johnson

would have to do it on his terms. That wouldn’t be good either.

There would be way too much to explain if they did it his way

so it had to be Reynolds.

“I’m not being an ass. I’m ready. Really. All set to go.”

Bernard stood up and pushed his hair back. He tucked his shirt

into this pants and then pulled it out again. “I’m set. Let’s go.”

“Good. Put your jacket on. It’s still storming out there.”

Finding himself a little wobbly, Bernard excused himself

and went to the can. When he came back his face was ruddy as

if he had scrubbed it hard.

“You solid, Bernard?” Johnson tossed the man’s jacket at

him. Bernard caught it and put it on while Johnson talked and

checked his gun.

“All set,” Bernard said.

“Okay. You’ve got everything you need in the office, right?

Enough of that medicine?”

“Yes,” Bernard said.

“And you’re sure it’s the right amount?” Johnson pressed.

“I’m not a doctor, Johnson.” Bernard complained. Johnson

shot him a look and Bernard backtracked. “Yes, I’m sure this

will do it. And I’m sure you won’t need that. Just leave it here,


Johnson held up his gun, “No can do. I never go out without

it. Besides, you want me to have your back, don’t you?”

Bernard didn’t point out that there was no one interested in

his back at the moment. He also did not think now was the

time to reiterate that he really, really, really was having second

thoughts about this whole thing. Even if the powers that be

came after him, there were ten valid arguments to be made for

his ongoing deception. Protection of the program and

Bernard’s superiors was not the least of them. Certainly that

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