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Just then Emily shuddered and her knees buckled. She

started to fall. Above them the sun disappeared behind a cloud

and shadow rolled over them. Josie tried to lower Emily but

she was dead weight and collapsed on to the dirt and on to her

knees. Her face went into her hands. Her body jerked and Josie

– strong as she was – could not hold her, raise her, or comfort

her. She sure as heck couldn’t get her back to the house.

“I’ll get help. Stay there. Stay there.”

Josie shot off the ground and ran back the way they had

come leaving her mother alone under an ever-darkening sky.


Emily Bates knelt in the dirt with her face in her hands. If she

didn’t look, she was safe. If she didn’t cry, she was safe. If she

couldn’t be seen she was safe, so Emily made herself a small

thing in the big forest. Time past, but she didn’t know how

much. Fear paralyzed her, but she had no concept of what fear


So Emily didn’t understand what was happening when a

man got down on one knee in front of her. He took hold of her

hands and tried to move them away from her face. He was

strong but still it was difficult to move her. It was as if her

hands were made of steel. That’s what she believed. But if she

was made of steel, he was made of something stronger because

he forced her hands to her side.

She stared ahead but didn’t see him. Emily heard the wind

but not the snort of curiosity from the man. He couldn’t

believe she didn’t react when he got close. Not that it

mattered. He knew what to do.

He put one hand on her forehead and gently rubbed the

space between her brows with his thumb. He cooed and

rubbed. He was surprisingly patient. When the trembling

subsided, he put her on her feet and turned her.

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