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“Yes, yes. We know. All outdated. All ridiculous programs.”

Ambrose waved away the obvious. “Billions have been wasted

because no one looked ten steps ahead. We boasted about

achievements before they were achievable. We all look like

fools and aren’t trusted because of it.

“Did you know our government conducted experiments in

psychic driving at one time?” Ambrose glanced over as

Eugene quietly took his glass and refilled his drink.

“That was 1965. Someone saw the possibilities of

controlling the mind of a driver of transport trains, airplanes,

or cars. That was the original vision and what we just saw is

the result of that.”

“Who funded that one with the brown paper bag and

subliminal messages way back when?” Hyashi chuckled,

missing the point or, to give benefit of the doubt, lightening

the mood.

“That would be Intelligence.” Jerry Norn raised his hand

and pretended to be chagrined.

“I see a certain poetic justice there.”

Woodrow’s laugh was accompanied by the clink of ice. He

had gotten up to refresh his drink and when he turned around

he was holding the bourbon decanter as if it were a tarnished

crystal ball.

“’62. Operation Northwinds. That was my favorite. Or how

about False Flag? There was a friggin’ great idea. Hijack a few

of our own planes, bomb a few of our own citizens and blame

it on Iran. Thank goodness the president saw the light on that


“He had to have some convincing before he gave it up,”

Ambrose winked.

“Ambrose. Ambrose,” Woodrow lamented as he put the

decanter back. “According to you, you’ve been responsible for

half the good decisions every administration made since

George Herbert.”

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