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were disappeared on purpose. He didn’t say these people were

killed. He didn’t say they died. He said they were


“But couldn’t that sort of behavior be part of his illness?”

Stephen asked.

“That’s what I thought, but then I realized that in all the

time I worked there I never saw a visitor. I never took a phone

call for a resident. There were no letters. We never got new

residents. Half the time Mr. Reynolds was at his house because

there wasn’t much to do in the main house.

“One day I was in the office when everyone was sleeping

and I was bored out of my skull. I know I shouldn’t have, but I

went into the files. I figured if I knew something about the

residents I could talk to them, maybe jog their memories.

Those forms were all I found.”

Suddenly, there was a bang from inside the restaurant. Three

heads turned. Stephen stood up, straddling his little bench.

Amelia put her hands on the arms of the chair as if she was

ready to launch. Josie collected the papers and put them under

the table just as the screen door flew open and the burly cook

threw a skinny kid down the stairs. The kid yelled something

then scrambled up only to fall again. They all held their

breaths, anticipating that he would come their way. When he

disappeared round the corner of the building, when the screen

door slammed shut again, they relaxed. Josie brought out the

papers and spread them in front of her.

“These aren’t even proper admission forms.” She pushed

one back at Stephen. “There is no contact information, no

social security numbers, no next of kin, no personal

information of any kind, even about their medical history.

There’s just a name and date, time of admission, and a phone


“Did you ever call the number?” Stephen asked.

“No,” Amelia admitted. “I didn’t know who I would be

talking to. It might be someone who would report me to Mr.

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