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He sniffed, raising one nostril and then the other. He opened

his mouth and stretched it wide and long until his jaw muscles

popped. Then he shook himself like a wet dog. He felt the

blood starting to flow. Finally, Eugene took his hand off the

phone, put his long fingers to his temples and pressed the soft

little indentation in his skull. He raised both arms, landed his

elbows on the desk and was just about to grasp his pounding

head in his upturned palms when he heard the knock, saw the

door fly open, and Ann’s compact and competent self walk in.

“Dammit. I told you to wait until I give you permission to

come in here.”

Ann stopped cold. Her eyes were the size of saucers, her

lips frozen around the first word she had intended to speak. In

all the years she had worked for Ambrose Patriota – and by

default Eugene Weller – she had never heard the man raise his

voice. When Eugene was unhappy he drawled, he snipped, he

degraded, he insulted, but he never, ever screamed. Thank

goodness he had never done it before since he sounded like a

nine-year-old girl when he did.

Eugene swallowed hard. He rotated his neck and raised a

hand, flipping his fingers to indicate she may enter. “Sorry.

I’m sorry. Come in.”

“Senator Patriota’s proposed schedule for pre-convention


She approached cautiously and slid this on to his desk.

When he didn’t move, she put the next one under his nose.

“Mrs. Patriota would like you to arrange for a VIP tour of

the capitol including lunch in the Senate dining room. I’ve

listed her guests, their personal contributions, connections, and

available dates for the tour.”

Ann held her breath.


Her mouth went dry; her brain went into overdrive.

Maybe Eugene was dying.

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