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shoulders, baring his back. He deserved each stinging lash the

senator wanted to lay upon him. “I was surprised and I reacted.

I wanted to cover my bases so that none of this came back to


“Have you thought that this is not a part of my history that I

wish to revisit? Have you?”

Ambrose shoved his hands deep in his pockets and rocked

on the back of his heels. Lydia was probably fast asleep. The

evening was ruined and he resented it, but he also knew that he

was no better than Eugene. He was overreacting and needed to

calm himself.

“Eugene, you have been very thorough and I appreciate that.

I also appreciate the spirit in which all this has been

undertaken, but this is only a problem if we make it one. What

was done is done. Shred that information, go home, sleep, and

come to work tomorrow with your mind refreshed. Look

forward not backward, Eugene.”

“You’re correct, of course,” Eugene muttered.

Ambrose sighed. He sat down next to Eugene. The boy was

like a son constantly striving for favor and knowing he would

always prove inadequate, or a dog eager to please but having

no idea that the master had grown tired of the same old tricks.

The older man put his hand on Eugene’s narrow shoulder.

“What is this, Eugene? Really? Are you concerned that I

won’t need you after the election?”

“The thought never crossed my mind, senator.” That Eugene

was shocked was evident; that Ambrose didn’t care was also


“You are only helpful to me if you are level headed,”

Ambrose warned.

“Helpful?” Eugene repeated, hardly believing his ears.

“Now more than ever I need to you to be that, Eugene. And,

if you become angry with me and think you can use this

against me for your own purposes–”

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