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“Fine. Let’s have The Universal Group handle it since they

have the lowest profile and are the most dependent on

government contracts. They can approve her funding with one

of our own people on the oversight committee,” Ambrose


“Senator Norn, could you also get to someone at Health and

Human Services to approve her grant?” Eugene asked.

“I can. There is a most lovely and influential undersecretary

who will assist,” Jerry chuckled.

Eugene ignored the senator’s boast. “We also have access to

private donors who will only need a slightly revised

prospectus and, perhaps, a phone call from Senator Patriota to

get on board.”

“Very good, Eugene,” Ambrose said. “And with that, I think

we’ll call it an evening. We have a full year, my friends, but

the convention will be upon us before you know it. It is a

symbolic exercise and nothing more. Polls say the general

election is also assured, but I will still have to campaign. That

will be grueling. I’m not a young man, but this program and

others like it will define my presidency. I want results by the

end of the first term.”

Ambrose stood. The others set aside their drinks. Woodrow

smiled as Jerry clapped him on the back and made small talk

as they moved toward the door. Coats were found, buttoned

up, scarves draped around necks although it was doubtful they

would get chilled on their short walks to the chauffeured cars

awaiting them. Ambrose, ever the good host, saw them out.

Mark Hyashi hung back, wanting one more word with the next

president of the United States.

“Ambrose, I just want you to know that I am willing to do

my part in all this, but I don’t want political speak between us.

We are talking about cultural manipulation not guidance, and

we have no idea what the unintended consequences of that will

be – economic not being the least of them. I want your

assurance that research and application will be transparent

from the start to those of us who sign on.”

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