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less. In the tangle of government people looked for surety,

consistency, and assurances that their decisions were correct

and valued. That’s how his senator conducted business.

Eugene almost laughed at that familiarity. His senator, indeed.

“Hey, Genie! Didn’t take you long to poke your nose in!”

Eugene stopped abruptly and turned stiffly, knowing who

hailed him even before he saw the man’s lumbering mass

coming down the hall. Eugene disliked Officer Morgan

because he was disrespectful, out-of-shape, and generally

base. Sadly, Morgan was of sufficient rank that Eugene could

not complain about his slovenliness and his reasonable

requests that he should be addressed as Mr. Weller by all

security personnel had only resulted in the Genie moniker

being picked up by others in the department. Most had the

courtesy to call him that vile nickname behind his back.

Morgan was the exception. Eugene originally thought this

rudeness was a form of social Tourette’s and the man did not

understand how unseemly it was. He was wrong. Morgan

knew exactly what he was doing. Eugene, though, knew when

to pick a fight. The right time was when you knew you would


Morgan pulled to a stop and put his hand on the wall as if to

keep from tipping over once he came to a standstill. He was an

oddly shaped person who carried his weight in his barrel chest.

His head was comparatively small and his legs bowed. He was

an inverted triangle of a man whom Eugene knew to be

unattractive and yet there was a Mrs. Morgan out there

somewhere who thought him decent looking enough to marry.

“Figured you’d be down here,” Morgan chuckled. “Hate to

tell you, you wasted a trip. Poor guy’s just a loon off the


“If he came in off the street how did he get into chambers,

Morgan? Everyone is supposed to have a pass. Could it be

your officers can’t even handle something as simple as a

vagrant?” Eugene cut his eyes to the man’s hand still splayed

against the wall. That hand bothered him immensely. He didn’t

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