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“Don’t look like that, my girl. The report might have been

filed with civilian authorities.” Stephen suggested.

Josie shook her head. “He checked with Kileen – that’s the

closest town to the base – and with Austin PD. Nothing.”

“Perhaps he used the wrong date. You yourself said it took

your dad three days to get back home. Who was the first

person you told? Perhaps they reported it. Have your man

check from that date and see if he comes up with anything.”

“Archer covered his bases, Stephen,” Josie snapped.

“All right, then.”

Put in his place, Stephen left her to stew, trailing the smell

of bad coffee after him. He was almost through the office door

when he peeked behind to see if she was with him or going to

wallow for a bit on her own.

She wasn’t wallowing but she also wasn’t ready to work.

Josie had paused by the wall of glass in the living room and

was looking out onto a day that had turned windy and cloudy.

The waves would be blown out so the girls wouldn’t be

surfing. Nor would they be coming home. They would go into

Lahaina to do whatever young girls without a care would do.

The fact that they once had great cares caused Stephen to take

a moment and think fondly of them. Josie was no different

than his girls; she needed a soft place to land. Since Stephen

believed he was a most brilliant man when it came to women,

he knew enough not to interrupt Josie Bates’ thoughts.

Hers were not so different from Stephen’s. She was thinking

the girls were simply versions of Hannah. Being around them

made her long for Hannah and Archer and Max. Strangely,

Josie did not long for her mother and it was that knowledge

that grieved her. Outside, the trees bent to the wind, the clouds

skated on it, the waves were brushed by it, and here she was,

standing in the eye of a perfect-storm.

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