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Woodrow Calister dialed Ambrose’s private number but

disconnected the call before it rang through. His chest

expanded as he took a deep breath, but he made no sound as

he let it out again. He felt like an old man after one of these

evenings with Ambrose. The senior senator, the party’s pick

for president, was a rare individual to be sure. To have

Ambrose’s energy, to believe so surely in one’s own destiny,

was a gift. Or a curse. Or just plain stupidity. Woodrow

couldn’t decide which it was. Still, he admired Ambrose

greatly and was honored to stand beside him. They would

make a good team when it was the two of them running the


His eyes wandered from the view of a city he had long ago

stopped admiring. It was all show, every last bit of it. A great

show to be sure. Still, to those who knew it well, there was no

comfort to be found in it.


His driver indicated that he was listening by the merest

motion of his head as he made a clean and sweeping curve

through an intersection at a light that was questionably more

red than yellow.

“Did you ever see that movie Westworld? You know, Yul

Brenner is some kind of robot and people go to this place for

vacation and they can live in any time period they want for a

week. The robots act like roman slaves or Greek gods. Yul

Brenner is a gunslinger robot in the old west and he goes

berserk and then all the robots go berserk and kill everyone.

You know the movie?”

“Sorry, Senator. I don’t think I’ve seen that one,” he


“Too bad. Good movie. Mindless people doing outrageous

things to please themselves because the robots can’t feel

anything. Of course, all the robots look like people and they

are all beautiful. Anyway, it was a statement. Eventually the

things you abuse or try to control will turn on you. At least

that’s how I took it.” Woodrow spoke to the back of Matthew’s

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