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head, longing for a bit of conversation, and hoping to coax it

out of the man whose job it was to see and hear nothing.

“Wish I could help you, sir,” Matthew said. “I’m not sure I

know who Yul Brenner is, sir.”

“The King and I? The Ten Commandments? Yul Brenner.”

Delighted that the chauffer was interested, Woodrow was

ready with a bio of the great actor but just then the car passed

under a streetlight. Woodrow saw that Matthew was smiling

and it wasn’t a good smile. It was the kind Woodrow’s kids

gave him when he was showing his age. It was the smile his

wife gave him before she had enough of the political life and

left him. Those smiles never bothered him, but this one did.

This was his chauffer humoring him and that just ticked

Woodrow Calister – distinguished leader of the Armed

Services Committee, respected senator, soon to be vicepresidential

candidate – off in the worst way. It angered him so

much his eyes burned with it but he stayed silent. In the grand

scheme of things Matthew was nothing. Woodrow wasted no

energy on him. Instead, he dialed Jerry.

“It’s me. I was just wondering, do you think Hyashi’s really

on board here?”

Jerry assured Woodrow that he had no doubt Mark Hyashi

was one hundred percent Patriota’s man.

“Look, I’m only a few blocks away. Let’s have a nightcap.

Something happened with Medusa today. It’s been on my


“Not a good time, buddy,” Jerry said. “I’m not exactly at


Woodrow heard a woman giggle and his heart went cold. He

didn’t care who Jerry Norn screwed, but he hated that Jerry

Norn didn’t either. They were, after all, senators. Woodrow

hung up knowing Jerry wouldn’t give a second thought to his

terse goodbye. Woodrow, though, was doing a little soul


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