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sherbet, emblazoned with cheap silkscreen in a riot of island

flora. Josie had seen the same shirt in a freezing hotel room in

Washington D.C. But this one was newer and there was a part

of the design Josie had not seen before. Woven into the design

was one word: Keoloko.

She was in the right place.


To the casual observer, Officer Morgan was a pretty simple

man. He got a haircut every six weeks, he shined his shoes

every night, he and the missus messed around on Saturdays

and sometimes they didn’t even wait for the sun to go down.

He had planned for his retirement and had a nice nest egg, not

to mention the pension that twenty years as a government cop

earned him. He had a son in Alaska and they were on good but

not close terms. He played cards with a group of guys who he

called his brothers. It would seem Morgan was living the


To anyone who knew him well, and pretty much that was

limited to his wife who was a saint, Officer Morgan was not a

simple man. He often thought deep thoughts. He wondered

about life, death, right, and wrong. What he was wondering

about as he sat behind his desk was the envelope that held the

possessions of one Ian Francis. Deceased. Dead as a doornail.

Pitiful in his last moments of life and probably a long time

before that. There had been something about the guy that just

sort of made Morgan’s heart grow big and sad. Ian Francis had

not been your everyday, run-of-the-mill nutcase.

“No, Siree”, Morgan thought as he poked at the stuff with

his finger.

Actually, it wasn’t all the stuff in the envelope he had

collected the night Ian Francis died that intrigued Morgan, it

was the guy’s cell phone. He had found it in the bushes a

couple feet from the body, collected it, and forgotten about it

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