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home to the bloody folks, crushed pineapple, pineapple slices,

whole pineapples. People who come to the islands can’t get

enough of it.”

He finished his litany, sucked up his drink through a straw

and when he came up for air he was back to Emily.

“And what does it matter what’s wrong with your mum? Do

you think you have all the time in the world? What you’re

talking about – therapy and such – would take time which I

doubt you have.”

“I would make it,” Josie answered.

“Truly, now? You’d give up your home? You’d give your

man an ultimatum – move with me to Molokai on the off

chance I can get my mother to remember who I am? And what

about the girl you came to find? What about her?”

Josie couldn’t argue with him there. In the last months

Hannah was all she thought about; in the last hours she had

been forgotten and Josie was ashamed.

“So, you’re finding blood a bit thicker than water, are you?”

Stephen nudged.

“What did you do in your last life, Stephen? Work for the

Spanish Inquisition?”

Josie’s snipe was friendly as she turned on the stool. Their

knees were touching. She leaned close to him. “You’re a little

Barnum & Bailey, a little Hugh Hefner, but you’re not just a

sideshow are you?”

“I am not, but I find it beneficial to be considered such at

times,” he answered. “I’d begun to think there was nothing for

me any longer but warm breezes, swaying palm trees, and a

passel of lovely women passing through my home. Not a hard

life, mind you, just one that goes too easily. I like a bit of

excitement, intellectual or otherwise.”

“Still not answering the question,” Josie insisted. “Were you

some Fortune Five Hundred CEO? A scientist. An inventor?”

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