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“You’re not going to do anything,” he growled. “We’ve got

to figure this out from our end. The dude is dead and you’re

putting through updates on the residents under his signature.

They could haul you in for fraud and a zillion other things.

You’re going to be looking at a lot of time, and it’s not going

to be in a place as pretty as Molokai.”

“Who would prosecute? They wouldn’t dare,” Bernard

objected. “Nobody would risk the public exposure.”

“Hell, there’s some crusader out there who would love to tie

you to a stake. Me, I’m just a hired hand,” Johnson reminded

him. “It’s on your shoulders, but I want to help you. So let’s

just think.”

Johnson took his seat slowly, ready to spring in case

Bernard Reynolds needed some extra convincing. He didn’t.

He was envisioning his federal trial, his conviction, his

incarceration. Johnson, was envisioning how they were going

to get out of this mess. He didn’t necessarily need Bernard

Reynolds to keep his little enterprise going but it made things

a whole lot easier. The last thing either of them needed was an

investigation. Thankfully, Bernard was coming around.

“You’re right. Okay. You’re right.” Bernard took a deep

breath. “Who contacted you?”

“It was a computer generated checklist asking me to

confirm sender’s viability,” Johnson said.

“That’s good. It was just kicked off and some clerk

forwarded it,” Bernard said.

“But it’s not going to stay that way if they go back through

the records. You’ve been faking Ian’s reports for years. How

many quarterlies does that add up to? A whole, helluva lot,

Bernard. Taking it all off the table is the easiest solution.”

“What do you mean take it off the table? What does that

mean?” Bernard demanded.

“Shut the place down, Bernard. Just shut it down. Those

goons in Washington don’t care what happens to you and some

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