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“Good enough for government work as they say,” Bernard

agreed, secretly pleased with what appeared to be praise from


“And you’ll retire well. That pension’s nothing to sneeze

at,” Johnson pointed out.

“There is that.” Reynolds hugged his pillow closer and took

a drink of his beer. He sighed. He pointed his can at Johnson.

“That woman is going to come back.”

“Negative. She’s not to be on the grounds,” Johnson said.

“The folks will talk to the lawyers. Tell her you’ll get a

restraining order if that’s what it takes.”

“Oh, that’s subtle,” Reynolds guffawed. “I’m glad you’re

not in the front office. I told her the truth. It’s a matter of

protecting Emily’s rights. That will hold her for a while. It’s

Keoloko I’m concerned about. Maybe we should cancel the

account. You know, take away that contact point. He’s the one

who brought her.”

“I didn’t ask them but for what it’s worth, I wouldn’t. We

still need supplies and that’s pretty much the only game in

town right now. Besides, it would look too reactive.”

Reynolds took a deep breath and blew out a little tune. He

tossed the pillow aside, and put his fingers on his closed


“I could never have imagined this. I had no idea there were

relatives around. Fifteen years and everything rolls along.” He

dropped his hands and looked at Johnson. “Now this. It’s just

not fair.”

“Shit happens, Reynolds.”

“I could quit. Maybe that’s what I’ll do. Just quit. Maybe I

should never have taken the job in the first place. I just didn’t

really think it through. The pitfalls. The personal liability.”

“I hear you, man,” Johnson answered thoughtfully.

“I took this job because it was honorable, know what I

mean? We were doing what was best for those people.”

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