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Judge Iona, but last I heard she was retired and living in

Vermont with her daughter. There is an initial that I imagine to

be a doctor’s, but that’s really all the information I have. I will

have to assume that this assessment was acceptable to Judge

Iona, and that Ha Kuna House was deemed an appropriate

venue. Do you have some reason to believe that it is not an

acceptable place for the lady?”

“We have seen the facilities and everything seems to be in

order,” Stephen answered. “However, we are concerned about

the lack of on-site medical assistance. Should weather turn, it

would be impossible for Ha Kuna administrators to get doctors

in from Maui or, if a specialist was needed, from the mainland.

Mr. Reynolds was unwilling to provide even the slightest

information regarding the condition of Emily Bates while we,

who had only seen her for less than an hour, were aware that

there are certainly mental difficulties. Ms. Bates is concerned

there might be physical consequences to this condition. We do

know that she is medicated twice a day, but we are not privy to

what that medication is or what particular ailment it


Stephen skirted the issue of how they knew Emily was

medicated twice a day, deeming this the improper time to

bring up Amelia. There was a fine line between appropriate

concerns and conspiracy theories.

“There are only two aides to care for four patients at the

facility. Add to this that Emily Bates has been missing from

her family for twenty-seven years, and I’m sure you will agree

that there are medical issues afoot. No one would voluntarily

remain away from a loving family as Emily Bates has. There

had to be a concrete reason for this behavior which was

aberrant based on all accounts.”

“All accounts being those of Josephine Bates, your client,

isn’t that correct, Mr. Kyle?”

“Certainly correct, Your Honor, since we can imagine no

better witness to the state of Emily Bates’ mind before her

disappearance than the daughter she doted on. As with

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