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“I am going to be married soon. It will be my first marriage.

I have no biological children,” Josie answered. “I have a ward

who recently turned seventeen.”

“She resides with you?” Judge Mohr asked even as he made

notes. He looked up expectantly even though Josie hesitated

only for a millisecond before answering: “Yes.”

This was not a lie; it was only the simplest answer. There

was no need to complicate things that were already

complicated enough where Hannah was concerned.

“And now you wish to also be responsible for your mother.

When was the last time you saw her?” he asked.

“When I was thirteen,” she answered.

“Was there any contact between you all these years?”

“No, Judge,” Josie said.

“Who did you live with after your mother’s disappearance?”

“My father. He is deceased,” Josie responded.

“And you had no indication about what might have

happened to your mother? For instance, do you believe that

her disappearance had to do with marital difficulties? Abuse of

some kind, or possibly that another man was involved?”

“Definitely not to the first and second question, Your Honor.

As to the third, not to my knowledge.”

“So, in your recollection, your relationship with your

mother was not strained all those years ago. You would

characterize it as a good relationship?” he asked.

“I would, Judge,” Josie answered. “Yes, a very good


“And do you plan to have the lady in question live with


“I do.”

“You are financially and emotionally able to care for her?”

he asked.

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