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other and confirmed the pitiful excuse for a vehicle belonged

to Amelia. Stephen looked at his phone. The little bars were

nonexistent. He would like to talk to Molokai’s fire chief. He

wanted to know who the men collecting ash and bones and

teeth at Ha Kuna House were. He wanted to know why the

local fire patrol was not assisting. Mostly, Stephen wanted to

know where Amelia and Josie had gotten themselves off to.

More to the point: why hadn’t they shown themselves when

the cavalry rode in?

Knowing he could not get the answers to these questions

while he looked at the lovely, sad faces of his girls, Stephen

bundled them on to the ferry and sent them home. They

begged him to come with, but he pleaded a need to mourn

privately – as well as to see if there were any Keoloko goods

to be salvaged. When they were gone, he treated himself to a

cocktail or two. Finally, judging that the men in white were

gone, he went back to the Ha Kuna House property. Sure

enough, the men were gone and they had left the place as clean

as mum’s kitchen after Christmas dinner.

Stephen walked the perimeter as he punched a number into

his phone, kicked with his sandals at the graded earth, and

thought it odd that not even a piece of one of the hospital beds,

a porcelain toilette, or the behemoth refrigerator he had known

to be in the kitchen was left.

“Ah,” he said when the phone was answered. “Chief.

Stephen Kyle here. Fine, thank you. But you have had quite a

night. The fire–”

He was interrupted, listened, and then took it upon himself

to interrupt back.

“Of course. Federal land. I didn’t realize the feds had fire

marshals at the ready. Quite a team? Oh yes, I think so.

Certainly professional. I saw them at work until I was sent on

my way. Spic and span here.”

Stephen listened again and then laughed from the belly,

talking as he walked toward the caretaker’s cottage.

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