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stretched even further. Because the senator still stood at the

open door Eugene did not imagine that the shiver that ran

through the great man was anything but a reaction to the frigid

air. Finally, he spoke.

“I didn’t realize. I didn’t know him personally.” Ambrose

refolded the paper.

“But you were a part of it. You were the one who…”

Eugene began, only to stop when Ambrose closed the door and

came close.

“It is history, Eugene,” he said quietly, “and I was a very

small part of that history, I assure you.”

“Given the discussion this evening, I thought it relevant.

This could be devastating to the campaign, not to mention this

new program. If the press gets wind of this, it would be a

scandal, sir.” Eugene insisted.

“I have no enemies in the media,” Ambrose insisted. “The

opposition is considered fringe, not me.”

Eugene shook his head, unconvinced. “Times are different,

Senator. The media can change from one minute to the next. I

think we need to be ready.”

“What I think is that it is very late.” Ambrose left no room

for dissent. “We’ll talk later if you really think we must but as

you said the poor man is dead. That rather ends the matter, I

believe. No one will come asking questions. Trust me.”

“We’re heading into a national campaign.” Eugene tried

again to engage the senator, hoping that he would at least

acknowledge his brilliance in putting two and two together.

That wasn’t going to happen.

“And that’s what we should be concentrating on.” Ambrose

opened the door again and stood aside to give Eugene a clear

exit path. “It sounds like everything is taken care of. Good

night then, Eugene.”

Eugene hesitated still. He had never questioned Ambrose’s

judgment but alarm bells were sounding in his head.

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