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wished her petition had remained her biggest problem. It


The boat pitched. The woman next to Josie gasped and put

her hand to her heart. Josie gave her a quick smile that she

hoped was reassuring, rolled her head against the wall, and

looked at the other unhappy passengers. Deciding the quarters

were too close, Josie minced her way out to the deck and fell

onto one of the benches just in time for a rollercoaster drop.

She breathed deeply and turned her face into the needles of

spray instead of away from it. Molokai rose from the sea, its

lush mountains veiled in the mist. Alone on the deck, she

couldn’t keep her thoughts from going back to the fly in the

ointment: her father.

Upstanding, trustworthy, the brave warrior and selfless

father was also a liar if Archer was right about his discharge.

And if he lied about his service, logic dictated that he lied

about Emily. Even if it was by omission, that was a vile thing

to do. She understood why he wouldn’t want to visit some

horror on a child but Josie was a grown woman and a lawyer

when he passed. She would not have been devastated by a

deathbed revelation.

It was the knowledge of her father’s deception that made

Josie reconsider the situation she found herself in. She no

longer wanted to give up and go home because now there were

amends to be made. Maybe not on behalf of her father, but

because she had spent so many years placing blame at her

mother’s feet. For that, Josie was truly sorry and she would

make it up to Emily. Toward that end, she braved the

unfriendly sea to keep her visitation appointment. She was

determined not to give Judge Mohr or Bernard Reynolds any

reason to question her commitment to her mother.

Suddenly, the boat lurched. A wave slammed against the

side and every plank shuddered. Josie grabbed onto the cabinet

next to her. When the boat started rolling again, she put the

hood of her windbreaker up and pulled the drawstrings to

close the neck. A few minutes later, the boat entered the

harbor. Josie was first off the ferry and inside the Keoloko car

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