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few hours he would be angry, a few hours after that he might

feel like ending it all, but right now as he watched Ambrose

turn to the very beautiful Lydia on camera and the very

beautiful Lydia kiss him as if he were a most courageous man,

Woodrow Calister could only admire Ambrose Patriota. He

was a brilliant man and Woodrow was only a smart one.

He stood up, switched off the television, and refilled his

drink. He was just about to taste it when he started to laugh.

Finally, he understood what Ambrose had meant when he said

he needed Woodrow for something more important than the

vice-presidency. Woodrow was Ambrose’s sacrifice to the god

of politics; Woodrow had been thrown under the bus to save

the presidency.

Woodrow raised his glass to a master.


Eugene answered questions from the press, spoke of

Ambrose’s exhaustion, his shock that a project like Marigold

still existed, and reinforced the message of Senator Patriota’s

youth and the miniscule part he played in the whole affair.

Eugene promised to keep them apprised of the timing of the

hearings that would, he assured the press, be forthcoming.

When he was finished, he went back to his office and tidied

up. He saw messages from Jerry Norn and Mark Hyashi but he

would deal with them in the morning. All in all, things had

gone very well. It did not occur to Eugene to lament Woodrow

Calister’s fate, it only occurred to him that he had been right

all along: Ambrose Patriota deserved Eugene’s undying



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