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“Emotions are running high, Your Honor,” Stephen

interjected. “But I will not apologize for that. What should be

a joyous occasion is not because it appears Ha Kuna House is

concerned that we are litigious. We are not. We simply don’t

want to run in circles. Our hand was forced.”

Judge Mohr pointed his finger at Stephen.

“Had Ha Kuna House packed up Emily Bates and sent her

off with your client it would not speak well of their concern

for her or their liability. I applaud them, Mr. Kyle. There is no

information as to why Emily Bates was committed to their

care. Conversely, I have no concrete evidence from Josephine

Bates that would compel me to overturn this order. I’m sure

that is clear to you. Now that we have that straightened out,

the question becomes this: how will we proceed? The answer

is, we will take baby steps to insure the appropriate outcome

and protection of Emily Bates’ privacy and person.”

Mohr sat back, shook out the wide sleeves on his robes, and

picked up a pen.

“First, a county social worker will be assigned to assess the

situation and make recommendations as they pertain to the

woman’s current level of care. I will also ask for a referral of

both physicians and psychologists who can conduct

independent assessments of her physical and mental state. I

will ask the social worker to also conduct a background on

Ms. Bates.

“Simultaneously, Ha Kuna House will be requested to

provide the court with a history and all records as pertain to

Emily Baylor-Bates. I will then decide which ones can be

made public so as not to run afoul of federal laws and

regulations. I will, naturally, entertain any documentation that

will support Ms. Josephine Bates’ bid for guardianship. I don’t

want to be inundated with paper, Mr. Kyle. Make sure

everything you send to this court is appropriate to the question

at hand. That will include, but not be limited to, proof of

familial association, affidavits of character from someone who

knew the family and Ms. Bates as an individual, and any

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