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“My only concern is the safety and prosperity of this

country, Mark.” Ambrose grasped the young man’s hand. “We

want to be left in peace. What I propose is enlightenment.

Permanent enlightenment.”

Ambrose shook Mark’s hand and clapped him on the

shoulder, following him onto the doorstep. Woodrow had

paused beside his car, his driver holding open the door. He

caught Ambrose’s eye and a question passed between them.

Ambrose lifted his hand and waved him off without anyone

else seeing. Woodrow ducked into his car. Ambrose went back

inside where Eugene lingered.

“Ah, Eugene, it’s time you go home. It seems you’ve had a

long day.”

Ambrose took the last coat from the hall closet. He was

tired but he still had an hour or two of reading to do. It

bothered Ambrose that the boy was breaking protocol in so

many small ways this evening. He passed the coat to Eugene

who took it but made no move to put it on.

“Eugene?” Ambrose prodded.

“I was late because of the man at the hearing today. Ian



“He’s dead.” Eugene blurted.

“Really?” Ambrose was less than curious.

“Senator, he jumped out of the window of his hotel,”

Eugene insisted.

“That’s tragic. Poor man.” Ambrose shook his head and

opened the door wider. Eugene missed his cue.

“His name is Ian Francis, Senator. Perhaps you’ll remember

him from this.”

Eugene took three sheets of paper from his breast pocket

and gave them to the senator. It took a moment for Ambrose to

understand what he was looking at. When he did, the silence

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