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“There are standing requests by the public for anything

referring to those programs, Senator–” Eugene began but

Ambrose silenced him.

“It is a small public, Eugene. Miniscule. The general public

has far more to worry about than things that happened three

decades ago.”

“But the phone–” Eugene started once more only to stop as

Ambrose threw up his hands.

“A dead man’s cell phone that, I might point out, is in your

possession. Put it in a drawer. Throw it away. Never think

about it again. I don’t know why you are fixated on this, but I

promise you, if you keep this up, your concern will become a

self-fulfilling prophecy.”

Eugene twitched. He colored a less-than-pleasing shade of

burgundy. Ambrose Patriota’s exasperation made no sense.

Eugene had meticulously created a timeline and presented

multiple scenarios of the impact on Senator Patriota should

this information find its way into the public domain, but the

senator refused to even look at it.

“The phone was purchased in Hawaii. On Molokai. The

woman who answered is Ian Francis’s daughter. His daughter,


“And my children have cellphones, Ambrose countered.

“You cannot read any implied action into the fact that she

answered it or that she called you back. You are the one

poking at a hornet’s nest, not her. She might be wondering

why someone had her father’s phone, called her, and did not

speak. And, if she is in Hawaii, then she has already chosen

not to pursue the matter of her father’s death. That means she

does not want to call attention to it anymore than we do. That

also means that she probably has no idea what her father was

up to. Perhaps now she’s rethinking everything because of


“I realize that now. That was not wise.” Eugene

symbolically turned away from Ambrose, hunching his

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