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Josie’s Jeep flew past the acres that comprised Camp

Pendleton. No buildings could be seen from the highway, but

there were troops in the high grass practicing maneuvers. For

the most part, though, the base appeared to be nothing more

than miles and miles of beautiful, untouched acres of

California beachfront. The base, though, was not her


Father C. Ridge no longer served and that came as no

surprise. This information had not been hard to come by. Josie

placed yet one more call to the Veterans Administration. This

time a heartfelt story about a dying father who wanted to get in

touch with the priest got her the information she wanted.

Ridge’s final posting was at Camp Pendleton and when he was

discharged he didn’t go far. He was now the pastor of the

Good Shepherd Church in Oceanside.

She turned the Jeep away from the ocean and wound her

way up the hill through well-kept neighborhoods of ranch

houses and two story homes. Every third house was identical

and pleasant. The neighborhood was uncluttered: no one

painted their garage purple, or hung gargoyles from the eaves,

or put surfboards on their front porches. It was a perfect place

for a family, just not a family like Josie’s.

At the top of the hill she ran into a dead end and made a

right into the parking lot of a church. The Jeep was only one of

three cars in a lot that could accommodate a hundred. Gardens

flanked the church building, birds twittered, sprinklers

chuckled as they spit water five feet onto a perfect lawn,

hesitated, and turned to spray again. Josie got out, stashed her

sunglasses, and pulled open the big church door. She found

herself in a bright, airy nave. In front of her, rising to a

towering peak, was a window that looked out onto the ocean

two miles away. The glass was seamless, a marvel of

engineering. If anything could make a person believe in God it

would be this view: iridescent blue water and cerulean sky,

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