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Ambrose had somehow turned Eugene toward the door. It

was open. Once again he was being handed his coat. Once

again he was on the street looking at the closed door to the

senator’s house but now he was warm despite the wind and the

chill. He had the confidence of the greatest statesman ever to

walk the earth and he would prove to him that his faith was not


Much later Eugene would realize that something was

wrong. At that moment, though, the feeling of dread was so

deep inside him that it could be mistaken for a bit of

indigestion or overexertion. He went back to his apartment,

undressed, and climbed into bed intending to sleep but he

could not. He was not convinced, as Ambrose seemed to be,

that Ian Francis had not opened up a can of worms. Eugene

finally drifted off only to have his dreams haunted by facts,

figures, and faces. It was fertile ground to grow the seed

Ambrose had planted and the plant was blooming with tiny

buds of discontent and disappointment in his senator.

In his home, Ambrose was also having thoughts about

Eugene. He went to his office and made notes to pass along to

Norma. She was such a lovely, efficient woman. Unlike

Eugene, Norma followed directions without hysterical

extrapolation of Ambrose’s motives. When he was finished,

Ambrose went upstairs, undressed, and got into bed alongside

Lydia. He rolled on his side. She took his hand.

“What did Eugene want?” she mumbled.

“To be important,” he said back.

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