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the ruling of Judge Iona, I do so because it is the right thing to

do. There was a reason for Ha Kuna Houses’ guardianship all

those years ago. I hope we are able to determine what that

reason was. I further hope that if I award you guardianship I

will do so with complete faith that I have made the right

decision. Is that a fair goal?”

“It is, judge.” Stephen answered for both of them knowing

that Josie was still disappointed. If she had been counsel, she

would have counted this a victory. She was the client and

deferral felt like defeat.

“Mai ho`okaumaha means don’t worry in Hawaiian, Ms.

Bates.” Judge Mohr offered this as he sat back in his chair

indicating that the proceedings were almost at an end. “I have

a feeling you will have no trouble convincing me that you are

legally and emotionally the best guardian for Emily Bates, but

convince me you must.”

“Yes, Your Honor,” Josie answered.

“Very well then.” Satisfied, the judge went about the final

business. “Mr. Kyle. During Josephine’s visitation, should she

find anything untoward or questionable that warrants

immediate attention, I will expect you to contact the court. I

want no manufactured crisis. My clerk will notify social

services today and they will assign a caseworker. He or she

will arrange for the medical and psychiatric evaluations,

interview you, and go to Ha Kuna House to assess both Emily

Bates and the housing situation. Please provide this

caseworker with a list of contacts in Ms. Bates’ hometown so

we can corroborate her good standing. I think we are done.”

“Before we are dismissed, we would like to request a copy

of the commitment order,” Stephen asked.

“Susan?” Mohr held out the folder to his clerk. “If you


“And we would like a formal order for generous visitation

for Ms. Bates in case Mr. Reynolds continues to be reluctant.”

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